Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Carrollton Personal Injury Attorneys - Montlick & Associates

Serving Carrollton area clients for nearly three decades, Montlick and Associates? experienced Carrollton personal injury attorneys continue to provide injury victims proven legal representation in all types of personal injury claims. Our dedicated professional advocates for Carrollton clients utilize legal strategies designed to suit the unique needs of each client?s case. Our attorneys invariably seek the most comprehensive verdicts or settlements, whether our clients have encountered personal injury through the intentional, indifferent or inattentive misconduct of a third party. Our continuing goal at Montlick and Associates is to provide Carrollton clients with the opportunity to secure compensation for the physical, financial and emotional hardships their personal injury may entail.

Since our firm?s establishment in 1984, the skilled legal team at Montlick and Associates has recovered millions of dollars in compensation for hundreds of personal injury victims. Our wide-range of legal expertise includes motor vehicle collisions, construction site accidents, nursing home abuse and neglect, medical malpractice, defective products and other specialized areas of personal injury. More commonly occurring types of personal injury claims of Carrollton clients have included:

Carrollton Motor Vehicle Accidents: All types of motorized vehicles may be involved in accidents as well as other entities, such as pedestrians, bicyclists or non-motorized vehicles. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of personal injury claims in the U.S. With an estimated annual cost exceeding $160 billion, including police, emergency and medical services, property damage, quality of life and lost productivity, the enormous expenditures and losses related to motor vehicle collisions is staggering.?? For Carrollton clients, automobile accidents also produce the greatest number of accident-related injuries and wrongful death.?? Car accident injuries may be caused by many different forms of negligent conduct including drunk driving, speeding, distracted driving, unsafe lane changes, tailgating or failure to respond properly to regulatory signs or traffic signals. Extensive medical treatment and financial obstacles are often involved with such injuries. At Montlick and Associates, our dedicated motor vehicle accident attorneys are here to assist Carrollton clients, proficiently expediting our clients? legal and insurance needs as they focus on their physical recovery.

Carrollton Commercial Trucking Collisions: Trucking accidents are a type of motor vehicle accident posing specialized issues for the personal injury attorney as well as the Carrollton victim of such an accident. Since a commercial tractor-trailer may weigh up to 40 tons when transporting a full load of cargo, the potential for greatly increased dynamic forces and severe injuries is multiplied significantly. The risk of wrongful death is also considerably amplified. While both interstate and intrastate trucking companies are stringently regulated to promote the safety of all motorists, commercial trucking companies motivated by increased profits sometimes disregard acceptable safety procedures and regulations. Improperly screened or unsatisfactorily trained drivers may be involved as may their inadequate supervision. Elements such as driver fatigue, improperly maintained equipment, and mechanical failure also may require consideration. In effectively representing our Carrollton personal injury victims in these types of collisions, extensive familiarity with trucking regulations and industry practices is essential. Our experienced Carrollton trucking accident attorneys are also very familiar with the assortment of practices used by trucking industry companies in their efforts to evade liability.?

Carrollton Slip & Fall Injuries: Many different factors may be involved in fall injuries, even though falls may appear to be uncomplicated accident cases at first blush. Falls of various kinds result in more than one million injuries that are reported each year in the U.S., and the seriousness of injuries that may result from a step/slip or trip and fall accident repeatedly goes unnoticed by many until they experience it themselves.?? It is reasonable to expect that Carrollton business proprietors will exercise reasonable precautions and make appropriate inspections for possible hazards at their places of business, either warning their patrons of possible hazardous conditions that may not be readily noticeable or correcting potentially unsafe conditions. ?At Montlick and Associates, our experienced personal injury lawyers possess the knowledge and skill necessary to investigate and recognize hazards such as inadequate lighting, uneven flooring, unacceptable cleaning practices, and other conditions which may promote the risk of falling accident injuries.

Carrollton Dog Attacks (Dog Bite Claims): The frequency and seriousness of injury resulting from dog attacks is supported by the fact that nearly one billion dollars in insurance claims are initiated annually from this type of injury.?? Millions of individuals throughout the country become victims of dog bites each year, and more than 750,000 of the injuries inflicted are of sufficiently severe nature to require medical treatment. The number of hospitalizations for such injuries over a 15-year period has essentially doubled according to recent data with the number of emergency room visits being nearly four times as great in rural areas as in urban areas. Injury to a Carrollton resident resulting from an aggressive dog whose owner has failed to suitably restrain or confine it may necessitate legal action to obtain fair compensation. If you have been injured in a dog attack, speak with one of our Carrollton personal injury lawyers for assistance.

Carrollton Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse Claims: More than 30% of all nursing home residents experience some form of abuse either by other residents or by nursing home staff members. Government statistics indicate that with approximately 1.5 million people living in nursing home facilities, as many as 90% of those facilities may be understaffed or staffed with under-qualified caregivers so their staff is insufficient to provide adequate care. Without a nationally mandated screening process in place, the employment of insufficiently screened workers may also occur in facilities, as the resources needed to care for our elderly loved ones continue to grow with the aging baby boomer generation. Frequently the elderly are a vulnerable population, often hesitant or unable to express their own concerns, fear, or complaints and thereby becoming victims of physical or psychological distress and abuse, malnutrition, financial exploitation, chronic neglect and even sexual abuse. Our dedicated Carrollton personal injury attorneys are committed to holding nursing homes accountable for delivering the care they have promised. Giving priority to cutting costs and proper caregiving and supervision procedures over their residents? well-being is unacceptable. Contact our qualified Carrollton staff if your vulnerable loved one has suffered personal injury through nursing home neglect and abuse.

Carrollton Motorcycle Accidents: Another type of motor vehicle collision often needing special consideration is the motorcycle accident. As is the case nationally, Carrollton clients injured in accidents involving these vehicles are at a much higher risk of experiencing devastating injuries or fatality with the need for extensive rehabilitative medical care being substantially more frequent. Motorcycles provide almost no physical protection in a collision and are also much less stable vehicles. Motorcyclists are approximately 25 times more likely to experience a fatal accident than motorists in passenger vehicles.?? Motorcycle accidents generally involve at least one other motor vehicle, and other motorists? failures to effectively acknowledge motorcyclists in traffic are the cause of such accidents in many instances.?

Carrollton Wrongful Death Claims: If the result of personal injury from the misconduct of others proves fatal, a fundamental principle of law provides that such victims should nonetheless be compensated. Losing a loved one in a motor vehicle collision or other serious accident often entails many kinds of difficult challenges for family members. Our committed Carrollton wrongful death legal team recognizes the intense emotional losses and enormous financial obstacles frequently encountered in such situations. Compensation to family members for their losses incurred due to a loved one being taken from them prematurely, as well as compensation which accident victims would have received had they survived may be sought in a wrongful death actions. Montlick and Associates attorneys are dedicated to pursuing compensation for the financial needs of our Carrollton clients in these extremely difficult circumstances.

Carrollton?Premises Liability: Carrollton property owners are obligated to have their properties in reasonably safe condition for those entering their property for legitimate purposes or to warn those so entering of possible hazards which may not be readily apparent. Injuries sustained from animal attacks, trip/slip and falling accidents and other sources on the property of others may necessitate the knowledgeable legal representation of an experienced Carrollton personal injury lawyer. Our diligent premises liability team is experienced in these matters and invites your inquiries if you have been injured while on the premises of another.?

Construction Site Injuries: Construction sites throughout the U.S. are often hazard-filled workplaces and abundant in injury risks, and Carrollton construction sites are no exception. Each year, many thousands of construction workers are injured at their job sites while performing their designated tasks. Labor statistics indicate that an estimated 150,000 accident injuries occur annually on construction sites, stemming from many different sources including falls from scaffolding, ladders or roofs as well as from the use of heavy equipment such as excavators, loaders, booms, cranes, backhoes and other machinery. Injuries sustained from exposure to hazardous materials or from electrocution or fire may also take place.?? With construction site injuries, specific issues, such as ascertaining viable defendants or the loss of vital evidence from a site which may go through constant change may arise. In processing construction site injury claims effectively, our accomplished Carrollton personal injury attorneys appreciate the complexity of concerns which must be considered.?

Carrollton?Workers? Compensation Claims: Private industry employers in the U.S. report approximately three million illnesses and nonfatal workplace injuries each year, and for Carrollton employees suffering such injury, the need for medical treatment and disability from employment may also result, leading to a workers? compensation claim. Seeking workplace injury compensation through a workers? compensation claim typically involves a no-fault process, not demanding proof of negligence on the part of an employer. However, no provision is made for damages which may be available through a personal injury claim by the workers? compensation system. Punitive damages, pain and suffering or impaired quality of life are among these. At Montlick and Associates, our Carrolton workers? compensation claims attorneys often initiate both a workers? compensation claim against a client?s employer and a personal injury claim naming a third party, in pursuing the most comprehensive scope of recovery possible for our clients.?

Carrollton?Pedestrian Accidents: Inspired by the nationwide emphasis on health issues, a growing number of Carrollton residents continue to join the ranks of many who take to city roadways as pedestrians, enjoying walking, jogging and running. Whether for exercise or as a customary method of reaching their destination, an unfortunate reality is that motorists using these same thoroughfares often fail to drive safely or satisfactorily focus their attention. This presents a potential formula for causing serious injury to unsuspecting pedestrians, and more than 60,000 are injured on roadways each year in the U.S.; approximately 5,000 of those injury accidents result in fatalities. ?Minor? pedestrian accidents are the exception because pedestrians lack physical protection when struck by a motor vehicle so life-changing injuries are far too frequent. In such accidents, insurance companies are often motivated to attempt to shift responsibility for injury to the pedestrian victim. Our experienced Carrollton legal team working with pedestrian accident injury victims is effective in challenging such tactics.

If you or someone you love has suffered a serious personal injury, our experienced Carrollton personal injury lawyers are committed to representing injury victims in obtaining compensation to rebuild their lives and support their family. Call now for a FREE CONSULTATION with Montlick and Associates experienced Peachtree Corners personal injury attorneys. Our attorneys are available to help you and may even visit you if needed. You can call us anytime 24/7 at 1-800-LAW-NEED (1-800-529-6333) for a FREE CONSULTATION. Alternatively, you can visit our website www.montlick.com to make use of our FREE CASE EVALUATION FORM or 24-hour live online chat service.

Source: http://www.montlick.com/personal-injury/1013-carrollton-personal-injury-attorneys

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