Tuesday, July 31, 2012

European Climate Law Poses Problems for U.S. Airlines, Policymakers

In two very different ways on Tuesday, Washington will seek to solve a climate-change and sovereign-law conundrum created by its usual European allies across the Atlantic.

The Senate Commerce Committee is scheduled to vote on Tuesday afternoon on bipartisan legislation that would make it illegal for U.S. airlines to comply with a European Union requirement that all airlines flying in or out of Europe pay for the greenhouse-gas emissions that come from those flights. In effect, airlines would be forced to calculate all the carbon-dioxide emissions emanating from their European flights and buy credits for the emissions on the EU?s cap-and-trade exchange.

According to the EU law, which went into effect at the beginning of this year but won?t substantively affect airlines until next May, airlines would have to account for greenhouse-gas emissions on their entire flights, and not just the portions in European air space.

Also on Tuesday, the State and Transportation departments will begin two days of meetings with 16 other non-EU nations to try to find a global substitution to the EU law. Most countries outside the European Union, including the United States, oppose the EU law based on foreign-policy and legal grounds unrelated to global warming.

?The unilateral imposition of the [European cap-and-trade law] is creating huge antagonism all around the world,? said a senior State Department official during a background briefing on Monday. ?We would say it?s the wrong way to pursue the right objective.? We endorse the policy of reducing emissions.?

The Obama administration is trying to walk a fine line between opposing the EU law and staying clear of congressional efforts to make it illegal to comply. It has made clear that it does not support Senate legislation mirroring a measure that passed the House last year that is expected to be voted by the Commerce Committee on Tuesday.

The bill, sponsored by Senate Republican Conference Chairman John Thune of South Dakota and Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill?of Missouri,?is not expected to get a full vote in the Senate. But if it passes the Commerce Committee ? which is possible ? it could send a strong rebuke to the EU about its emissions law as it pertains to the United States. Democrats voting against it will likely base their opposition on foreign-policy grounds and de-emphasize the impact on global warming.

Aircraft are believed to contribute a scant 3 percent of greenhouse-gas emissions worldwide. But the debate over the EU law epitomizes the repercussions individual countries face amid the continual failure of climate negotiators to reach a global agreement to address climate change.

Meanwhile, the broader Senate remains fixated on a more fundamental element of climate change: The science.

In a floor speech on Monday, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., lambasted Senate Environment and Public Works ranking member James Inhofe, R-Okla., for his position denying that global warming exists. Inhofe took to the floor after Sanders to defend his position.

This back-and-forth will take center stage again at a Wednesday hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on climate-change science.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/european-climate-law-poses-problems-u-airlines-policymakers-070005399.html

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What happens to a live fish in zero gravity? We'll soon find out.

An experiment to study the effects of microgravity on fish will bring 32 medakas, a small fish native to Southeast Asia, to the International Space Station in October.

By Denise Chow,?SPACE.com / July 27, 2012

The above image shows an Aquatic Habitat, or AQH, specimen chamber housing Medaka fish for study on the International Space Station during the Expedition 33/34 mission in 2012.



When the next Russian-built Soyuz capsule launches to the International Space Station in October, it will deliver three new crewmembers to the orbiting outpost. But the trio of spaceflyers will be sharing their ride with some special cargo: 32 small fish for a science experiment at the space lab.

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NASA astronaut Kevin Ford and Russian cosmonauts Evgeny Tarelkin and Oleg Novitskiy are scheduled to launch to the International Space Station on Oct. 15 from the Baikonour Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Their Soyuz TMA-06M capsule will also be carrying 32 medaka fish ? a type of fish native to Southeast Asia ? to the orbiting complex.

"They'll be on our Soyuz with us ? 32 fish, plus the three of us," Ford told reporters in a news briefing Thursday (July 26).

The medakas will become part of an experiment carried out on the station to investigate the effects of microgravity on fish. The astronauts aboard the outpost will monitor changes in the fish as they live in orbit. [7 Everyday Things that Happen Strangely In Space]

"When we come onboard, one of the first items will be to get these fish transferred and into their habitat and get the experiment underway," Ford explained.

The fish will stay in a special aquatic habitat that is being delivered to the space station by a robotic Japanese cargo freighter. The Japanese unmanned H-2 Transfer Vehicle-3, or HTV-3, launched into orbit on July 20, and arrived at the space station today (July 27).

Scientists are particularly interested in how the skeletal systems of fish change in the near weightless environment aboard the space station, said Julie Robinson, an International Space Station program scientist.

It has long been known that exposure to microgravity for extended periods of time can carry negative consequences, including loss of muscle and bone density. To prevent lasting harmful effects, space station astronauts adhere to rigorous exercise regimens, and doctors on the ground closely monitor their health.

But experiments such as the one with medaka fish do not hold potential benefits for only spaceflyers. The results of these types of studies can have far-reaching effects on Earth, too.

"It's an experiment, essentially, for osteoporosis," Ford explained.

The lessons learned from studying the skeletal systems of fish in space can inform scientists on the ground about how bones degrade over time here on Earth. This type of scientific research is part of what inspired the motto for this space station-bound crew: From the Earth, for the Earth.

"The idea is that the space station is up there for everybody, and even though it's essentially 15 countries that put [forward] their resources, it's really there for everybody on the planet."

But for Ford, Tarelkin and Novitskiy, the medaka fish will also be their companions for the thrilling journey to the International Space Station.

"I won't have my 'gone fishing' hat, though," Ford joked.

Follow Denise Chow on Twitter @denisechow?or SPACE.com @Spacedotcom. We're also on Facebook?and Google+.

Copyright 2012 SPACE.com, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/science/~3/4WfSWqVStX4/What-happens-to-a-live-fish-in-zero-gravity-We-ll-soon-find-out

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Nigeria bracing for broadband boom

Nigeria?s Minister of Communications Technology Omobola Johnson said that the country needs to seriously invest in correcting the country?s ubiquitous Internet capacity and national backbone, and it has become almost as important as having adequate water and transportation.

Nigeria?s Minister of Communications Technology Omobola Johnson (image: file)

?The emerging trend in Information Communications Technology (ICT) across the globe shows broadband penetration to be yet the unconquered territory in the sector especially in most of the developing countries, thus the need for aggressive handling, to boost efficiency in public safety, government and citizen interaction, education and healthcare provision, as well as the overall organisation and dissemination of knowledge,? she said during a presentation at the Nigerian Broadband Forum.

She added that there is a direct correlation between Internet penetration in a country and its Gross Domestic Product. ?Broadband and its universal access is becoming a significant indicator of development and competitiveness amongst nations. Empirical data tells us that every 10 per cent in access to broadband in every developing countries result in a commensurate 1.38 per cent increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP).?

?These compelling statistics should provide the impetus to meet broadband demand, and if the demand is not there, create that demand. Nigeria prides itself on a telecoms revolution that catapulted us from 400,000 subscribers to over 90 million subscribers today,? she said.

She went on to say that the country will do everything in its power to promote the development of broadband in Nigeria. ?We must deplore every strategy and essential ingredient used to achieve the success story of the penetration of mobile telephony as in the case of the delivery of broadband services in Nigeria?.

Last week Executive Vice Chairman of NCC, Eugene Juwah said that it is worrying that Internet penetration is low in the country.

?Broadband penetration is estimated to be less than 2 per cent in Nigeria, while the average broadband penetration in Africa is estimated at about 4 per cent; this is worrisome if the country is to be among the knowledge economy by 2020. Thus, the commission hopes to make a regulatory to take technology to the larger segment of the Nigerian society by creating environment and incentives for private sector participation

Charlie Fripp ? Consumer Tech editor

Source: http://www.itnewsafrica.com/2012/07/nigeria-bracing-for-broadband-boom/

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20 TV Shows With the Most Social Media Buzz This Week

The Olympics are world champions when it comes to event television, so it's no surprise that the NBC broadcasts are dominating this week's social TV charts.

Friday's opening ceremony garnered 8.9 million mentions, topping the total number of Twitter posts during the entire 2008 Beijing Olympics in just one day. And despite NBC's abundant slip-ups in just the first few days of the Games (see: #NBCFail), the network's social media efforts clearly haven't been for naught.

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Other particularly buzzworthy events thus far? Swimming and women's gymnastics, both of which were nail-biters for Team USA. The women's gymnastics qualifying competition had audiences and competitors in tears after a surprising upset. The U.S.'s Jordyn Wieber, the 2011 World Women's All-Around Champion, placed fourth in the qualifiers after one Russian competitor and two of her teammates. Countries can enter just two gymnasts in the all-around final, so Wieber did not qualify to compete.

[More from Mashable: 63% of Retweets Are of Male Users]

In the pool, a USA showdown between power duo Ryan Lochte and Michael Phelps caused a chatter. Lochte bested Phelps in the 400-meter individual medley, solidifying the notion that this is his time to shine. After taking home a record eight gold medals in Beijing, Phelps is taking his last few laps on the international stage.

Aside from the Games, we've got to tip our hats to America's Got Talent, the only program that managed to edge its way onto the chart amidst the athletic competitions.

The data is compliments of our friends at Trendrr, who measure specific TV show activity (mentions, likes, check-ins) across Twitter, Facebook, GetGlue and Miso. To see daily rankings, check out Trendrr.TV.

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, subjug

This story originally published on Mashable here.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/20-tv-shows-most-social-media-buzz-week-232928117.html

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Monday, July 30, 2012

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Health-and-Fitness Using Hypnotherapy as a Successful Key to Weight Loss

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Travel-and-Leisure Why holiday rental properties are gaining popularity amongst property owners

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Wedding Marriage Reportage Wedding Photography ?The Story Of Your Special Day

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Health-and-Fitness Lose Weight With Hypnosis Permanently

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Source: http://cyberweek.umasslegal.org/2012/07/29/clearance-mbt-maliza-shoes-online/

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Fighting rages as Syria troops assail rebels in Aleppo

Troops backed by helicopters pushed an offensive against rebels in Syria's commercial capital Aleppo into a second straight day on Sunday, sparking fierce fighting and sending civilians fleeing.

The opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) accused the government of preparing to carry out "massacres" in the northern city and pleaded for heavy weapons to enable rebels to meet the onslaught.

It also urged the UN to hold an emergency session to discuss ways to protect civilians caught up in the conflict.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem, on a surprise visit to key ally Iran, said the rebels "will definitely be defeated" in Aleppo, even as a Free Syrian Army (FSA) commander boasted the city would become a "graveyard" for the army's tanks.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Sunday's fighting was focused around the southwestern neighbourhood of Salaheddin, where rebels repulsed a ground assault on Saturday.

"There are clashes on the edges of... Salaheddin" which regime forces were pounding with helicopter gunships, the Observatory's Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.

Abdel Rahman described the situation in Aleppo as "a full-scale street war," with fighting also in the neighbourhoods of Arkub, Bab al-Hadid, Fardoss, Jisr al-Hajj, Sukari, Zahraa, Zebdiyeh, at the Al-Hindrat Palestinian refugee camp, and Bustan al-Qasr district which was being pounded by helicopter gunships.

The Britain-based Observatory said that "the sound of heavy machinegun fire and explosions" could be heard in Salaheddin late on Sunday but gave no further details.

Rebels broke into a juvenile detention centre "in order to set the prisoners free," he said, adding displaced families were having difficulty finding refuge "because nowhere is safe any more."

After massing for two days, troops backed by tanks and helicopters on Saturday launched a ground assault on Salaheddin, where rebels concentrated their forces when they seized much of Aleppo on July 20.

Both sides claimed to have made advances, but an AFP correspondent reported rebels had largely repulsed the army when it launched its first onslaught.

Civilians in the city of some 2.5 million crowded into basements seeking refuge from the intense bombardment by artillery and helicopters, the correspondent said.

Colonel Abdel Jabbar al-Oqaidi, FSA commander for Aleppo, said the rebels had inflicted heavy losses on the army in Salaheddin but that there had been many civilian deaths.

"We have destroyed eight tanks and some armoured vehicles and killed more than 100 soldiers," he said.

"Aleppo will be the graveyard of the tanks of the Syrian army," Oqaidi told AFP in an interview conducted at an isolated farmhouse surrounded by olive groves near the city.

"We ask the West for a no-fly zone" in order to prevent aerial raids by Assad's forces, he said.

The colonel said his men were positioned across Aleppo and would not withdraw as they had when they came under intense fire from regime troops in Damascus earlier this month.

"There is no strategic withdrawal of the Free Syrian Army. We await the attack," he said, while refusing to reveal how many rebels are fighting in Aleppo.

"We expect (the army) to commit a very great slaughter, and we urge the international community to intervene to prevent these crimes," the colonel said.

The Observatory reported that by late afternoon seven people were killed in Aleppo, contributing to a nationwide death toll of 66: 25 civilians, 19 troops and 22 rebels.

In Tehran, Muallem vowed regime forces would crush the rebels in Aleppo.

"We believe that all the anti-Syrian forces have gathered in Aleppo to fight the government... and they will definitely be defeated," he told a joint news conference with Tehran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi.

Muallem also met President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who told him that he hoped Syria's government would restore "stability" in the country quickly, Iran's ISNA news agency said.

Syria's Muslim Brotherhood denounced Iran and Russia, saying the powerful allies of the embattled Assad regime were "drowning in the blood of the Syrian people."

As the rebels faced the superior firepower of Assad's regime, SNC chief Abdel Basset Sayda called on foreign governments to provide them with heavy weapons.

"We want weapons that would stop tanks and jet fighters," Sayda said after talks in Abu Dhabi.

The SNC also called on the Security Council to hold an emergency session on the situation in Aleppo, Damascus and Homs and urged it to "take action to provide civilians with the needed protection from brutal bombing campaigns."

Peace envoy Kofi Annan urged both sides to hold back, saying only a political solution could end a conflict that rights activists say has killed more than 20,000 people since the uprising erupted in March 2011.

"The escalation of the military build-up in Aleppo and the surrounding area is further evidence of the need for the international community to come together to persuade the parties that only a political transition, leading to a political settlement, will resolve this crisis," he said.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/syria-rebels-call-weapons-keep-hold-aleppo-025845059.html

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Health And Fitness ? The Truth And Lies | The Body Care Retreat

Posted on 29 July 2012

Some of the lies about health and fitness are not really untruths. When it comes to exercise and people the body works differently with each of us. What is true for one person or a percentage of people may not be true for all. A little, a research can help you uncover a lot of information, and that is the real clue to getting the truth about health and fitness. You ideally should take the time to research and learn.

You ideally should take the time to research and learn. If the information is less than true, you should do some research. You can find several yoga and back pain products online. Yoga is touted as a means for relieving your back pain. This is only true for some cases, making this statement misleading and dangerous. If the cause of your back pain is muscle related than yoga can be helpful. Yoga can help you stretch and strengthen the muscles in your back. Once you have done that, your back pain may very well go away. However, if your back pain is caused bone issues, such as a spinal disc problem, yoga won?t help. In these cases, yoga can actually cause serious complications.

The only way to benefit is to work your muscles until they are sore but not painful. That statement too is incorrect because of the potential for serious injury. There is a huge difference between working tough, or having a hard workout, and working out while you are in obvious pain. If you experience pain after a workout that doesn?t go away or only appears to be getting worse, stop doing the exercise bike activity. You will only cause yourself more complications by continuing an exercise that is causing you pain.

The mental horse power you?ll gain from your exercise routine is undisputable. A higher level of performance and brain power is what we are talking about. Research has shown that regular exercise has a great effect on blood circulation. This circulation increase will help produce increased serotonin levels in the brain.

More serotonin in the brain is shown to improve mental clarity. This is not only fascinating but also a very good thing. All fitness areas have some truth or myths associated with them.You will locate them in statements that are vague as well as those specifically geared toward specific types of exercise or physical exertion. Take the time to get to know what you are doing before you take off on a new exercise expedition.

Samuel Foreland is also an expert in machine equipment exercises. He is known in a class membership who has helped many people and become fit. Find it out through reading exercise bike reviews and you will learn more with his easy, great methods regarding biking exercises involving the best exercise bike.

Source: http://thebodycareretreat.com/health-and-fitness-the-truth-and-lies/

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Source: http://www.fuelcelltoday.com/news-events/news-archive/2012/july/fuelcell-energy-to-develop-fuel-cell%E2%80%93battery-hybrid-power-system-for-us-navy

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Quad Bike Hire: What You Really Have To Recognize Earlier than ...

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For people who intend on transporting their quads a couple of times a 12 months, condominium is sufficient. However such a lot ATV owners experience going places rather than their own backyard. To transport those automobiles to the required area, right kind trailer is needed. The scale and collection of bikes you have got determines your only option of trailer.

For young ones, the feat of driving a quad motorcycle in a guided tour will also be as enjoyable as riding a automotive for the first time. This is a a laugh and safe task as pace is not a factor. The youngest that may take part in this adventure recreation is 14 years old. Both thrilling and educational for young other people, these four wheeled monsters carry you to scenic locations with breathtaking sights. There's a lot to be informed whilst using quads and most studying is interrelated to protection in handling the vehicle. Discipline and the use of commonplace experience is applied to verify a a laugh but safe quad riding experience.

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Unlike most excessive adventure sports the place the process is done solo, this job is repeatedly performed in groups. It is the perfect adrenalin recreation that you can proportion with your circle of relatives and friends. Explore in combination, race with your buds, or simply enjoy a scenic and relaxed experience with the spouse and kids. It is the most productive weekend getaway that takes minimal making plans and preparation, but jam-packed with the best of adventure.

Among all outdoor adventures, it is likely one of the so much affordable. Prices for a quad motorbike excursion get started from $sixty five to $495 depending on the kind of adventure you're looking for. To benefit from the thrills, you want not even get your own gear. All protective equipment and naturally the quad is supplied for by the outfitter.

Usually, there is a trained instructor so as to lead the trek so the crowd can follow with the bumps and puddles. Once the talents have been mastered, the exciting experience thru acres of unspoiled land will begin. Terrains vary from woodland tracks to woodland paths and steep hills. The hiking path may also be reasonably a challenge but you are sure to benefit from the impressive scenery each venue offers.

Of course, briefing is done previous to the job to be sure that rules are to be followed for safety. Classes offered are typically for part an hour mini treks to an hour and a quarter of longer exploration. There are also on-your-own journey being introduced where you can experience through open fields, streams, wooded area and tracks completely on your own. Treks regularly run all over weekends of all the year despite the fact that there are quad trekking venues that are open all the way through weekdays. Costs vary depending at the bike rented and the trekking duration. Pre-reserving is really useful as some venues can best accommodate a most of six persons to head on a trek at a time.

Recreational enthusiasts be able of RVs with extra hauling house for ATVs in the again compartment. These are known as toy haulers and can run anyplace from ten grand to upwards of $60,000. While a double or quadruple trailer will suffice for most people, this particular option provides an all-inclusive option.

In case you are actually in search of a quad bike hire place, go to my new quad bike hire web site and compare prices today!

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Four arrested over Ivory Coast U.N. peacekeeper killings

LONDON (Reuters) - Four men have been arrested in connection with the ambush killings in Ivory Coast of seven U.N. peacekeepers on its border with Liberia, Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara said on Friday.

An adviser to Ouattara said the four had been arrested in Liberia and would be extradited to Ivory Coast to stand trial.

The seven United Nations peacekeepers, all from Niger, were killed on June 8 when their patrol came under fire near the town of Tai, close to the porous border, in what Ivorian authorities said was a cross-border raid.

"We have just arrested four people who perpetrated that attack and killed the seven peacekeepers," President Alassane Ouattara said during a visit to London, where he was planning to watch the Olympics opening ceremony.

He said those arrested included "the head of the operation", but gave no further information as to the identities or nationalities of the four men.

Liberian government officials said they were not immediately able to comment on Ouattara's remarks while Ivory Coast's U.N. mission, UNOCI, said it was not aware of any arrests.

A decade of north-south partition and simmering political crisis in the world's top cocoa grower ended last year with a brief but brutal civil war that erupted after former President Laurent Gbagbo refused to acknowledge defeat in 2010 polls.

Around 3,000 died before Gbagbo was captured by troops loyal to Ouattara, who were backed by French and U.N. forces. Gbagbo is in The Hague awaiting trial before the International Criminal Court accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.


Chanting supporters and opponents of Ouattara gathered outside the venue where he spoke but were kept apart by police barriers.

Ouattara said a national commission of enquiry had completed an investigation on July 18 into crimes committed by the two warring factions during the conflict, but said he had not yet seen its findings.

"When the battle started you had atrocities committed, probably by both sides," he said. "But this needs an enquiry, that's why we set up the National Enquiry Commission...when I go back I will have the report."

The U.N. Security Council renewed UNOCI's mandate on Thursday, reducing its military force by one battalion, or around 700 to 1,000 soldiers, to just under 9,000 troops.

(Additional reporting by Alistair Smout, Joe Bavier in Abidjan, and Alphonso Toweh in Monrovia; Editing by Michael Roddy)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/four-arrested-over-ivory-coast-u-n-peacekeeper-190227134.html

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London opens with pageant for next generation

LONDON (Reuters) - The Queen declared the London Olympics open after playing a cameo role in a dizzying ceremony designed to highlight the grandeur and eccentricities of the nation that invented modern sport.

Children's voices intertwining from the four corners of her United Kingdom ushered in an exuberant historical pageant of meadows, smokestacks and digital wizardry before an audience of 60,000 in the Olympic Stadium and a probable billion television viewers around the globe.

Many of them gasped at the sight of the 86-year-old queen, marking her Diamond Jubilee this year, putting aside royal reserve in a video where she stepped onto a helicopter with James Bond actor Daniel Craig to be carried aloft from Buckingham Palace.

A film clip showed doubles of her and Bond skydiving towards the stadium and, moments later, she made her entrance in person.

"In a sense, the Olympic Games are coming home tonight," IOC President Jacques Rogge told the crowd.

"This great, sports-loving country is widely recognised as the birthplace of modern sport."

To underline the point, Bradley Wiggins, crowned five days earlier as Britain's first winner of the Tour de France and hoping to add more road cycling gold in London, tolled the world's largest tuned bell to begin the ceremony.

In one moment of simple drama, the stadium fell silent as five giant, incandescent Olympic rings, symbolically forged from British steel mills, were lifted serenely out of the stadium by weather balloons, destined for the stratosphere.

And at the climax of an evening that had children centre-stage, seven teenage athletes were given the honour of lighting the Olympic cauldron that will burn for the duration of the Games, in keeping with the theme of "Inspire a Generation".


More than 10,000 athletes from 204 countries will compete in 26 sports over 17 days of competition in the only city to have staged the modern Games three times.

Most of them were there for the traditional alphabetical parade of the national teams, not least the athletes from Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Yemen competing in their first Olympics since their peoples overthrew autocrats in Arab Spring revolutions.

Brunei and Qatar were led in by their countries' first ever female Olympians and so, along with Saudi Arabia, ended their status as the only countries to exclude women from their teams.

At a reception, the queen spelled out the role played by her family after the Olympics were revived in Athens in 1896.

"This will be the third London Olympiad. My great grandfather opened the 1908 Games at White City. My father opened the 1948 Games at Wembley Stadium. And, later this evening, I will take pleasure in declaring open the 2012 London Olympic Games at Stratford in the east of London," she said.

"Over recent months, many in these islands have watched with growing excitement the journey of the Olympic torch around the United Kingdom. As the torch has passed through villages and towns, it has drawn people together as families and communities.

"To me, this spirit of togetherness is a most important part of the Olympic ideal. And the British people can be proud of the part they have played in keeping the spirit alive."

The opening show, costing an estimated 27 million pounds ($42 million), was inspired by William Shakespeare's play "The Tempest", his late-life meditation on age and mortality.

But it was children who set the tone, starting from the moment when live pictures of junior choirs singing in the landscapes of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were beamed into the stadium's giant screens, four traditional songs woven together into a musical tapestry of Britain.

Oscar-winning film director Danny Boyle began his sweep through British history by grassing over the arena in a depiction of the pastoral idyll mythologized by the romantic poet William Blake as "England's green and pleasant land".

Idyll turned swiftly to inferno as the Industrial Revolution's "dark Satanic mills" burst from the ground, before those same mills forged the last of five giant Olympic rings that rose into the sky.

At the end of a three-hour extravaganza, David Beckham, the English football icon who had helped convince the IOC to grant London the Games, stepped off a speedboat carrying the Olympic flame at the end of a torch relay that inspired many ordinary people around Britain.

Past Olympic heroes including Muhammad Ali, who lit the cauldron at the 1996 Atlanta Games, and British rower Steve Redgrave, the only person to win gold at five successive games, welcomed the flame into the stadium.

Yet it was not a celebrity but seven teenage athletes who lit a spectacular arrangement of over 200 copper 'petals' representing the participating countries, which rose up in the centre of the stadium to converge into a single cauldron.

Moments later, a balloon-borne camera relayed live pictures of the earlier-released interlocked rings gliding through the stratosphere against the curved horizon of the planet below.


The performance included surreal and often witty references to British achievements, especially in social reform and the arts, and ended with former Beatle Paul McCartney singing "Hey Jude".

Many sequences turned the entire stadium into a vast video screen made up of tens of thousands of "pixels" attached to the seats. One giant message, unveiled by Tim Berners-Lee, British inventor of the world wide web, read "This is for Everyone".

Until the last few days, media coverage had been dominated by the security firm G4S's admission that it could not provide enough guards for Olympic venues. Thousands of extra soldiers had to be deployed at the last minute, despite the company's multi-million-dollar contract from the government.

Suicide attacks that killed 52 people in London in July 2005, the day after it was awarded the Games, ensured that security would remain a worry. And this year the Games mark the 40th anniversary of the 1972 Munich massacre, when 11 Israeli Olympic team members were killed by Palestinian militants.

Although no medals will be awarded until Saturday, the women's football tournament started on Wednesday, and on Friday South Korean archers set the first world records of the Games.

Im Dong-hyun, who suffers from severe myopia and just aims at "a blob of yellow colour", broke his own 72-arrow world record with a score of 699 out of a possible 720, leading his two colleagues to a record combined score as well.

The Games' first medals will be decided in the women's 10 metres air rifle final on Saturday, with the big action coming in the men's cycling road race, where world champion Mark Cavendish is favourite to become Britain's first gold medallist.

In the evening, Americans Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte are scheduled to line up for a classic confrontation in the men's 400 metres individual medley final.

Phelps, competing in seven events after winning a record eight gold medals four years ago in Beijing, is bidding to become the first swimmer to win gold in the same discipline three times in a row.

"This is going to be a special race," said Gregg Troy, head coach of the American men's team. "I can't imagine a better way to promote our sport than a race like this on the first day."

(Additional reporting by Stephen Addison, Gene Cherry, Guy Faulconbridge, Vincent Fribault, Peter Griffiths, Sara Ledworth, Mike Collett-White; writing by Kevin Liffey; editing by Ossian Shine)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/london-opens-pageant-next-generation-004959956--spt.html

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Find The Internet Marketing

This article has been viewed 54 times.

The particular emergence of Internet has taken benefits by way of example low-cost transmission of knowledge along with communication (media) towards the many receiver, the message is transmitted in many different forms for example wording, images, sounds, films, games, ? the interactive nature of E-marketing, concept recipients can respond immediately or primary communication with the thing sends a message. It is a major advantage of E-marketing when compared to other forms.

E-marketing combines technological innovation and the Internet, including design, advancement, advertising and purchasers. The particular E-marketing activities including google search marketing, banner advertising web, e-mail marketing, internet marketer marketing, interactive advertising, blog site marketing and viral marketing.

E-marketing is the procedure of development and also market your business using online media. E-marketing isn?t simply a building internet site. E-marketing should be a part of on-line marketing strategy and should certainly be a reasonable investment.

One of the advantages of E-marketing may be the option of considerable amounts of knowledge. Customers can access item information and carry out transactions, sale anywhere. Enterprises using e-makerting can help to conserve cost of sales as cost rents, reducing the number of sales people, .. E-marketing will likely help businesses entry to a large market in addition to global development. Furthermore, comparison along with other press for example print media, television, e-marketing is a huge good thing about low cost.

E-marketing activities as is possible easily implemented keeping track of and evaluation. As an example, the Website and services ?Web Analytics? allow to track the amount of visitors, content in which interest can evaluate the message is sent in accordance with customer desires not. Not surprisingly, E-marketing increases more powerful than other forms.

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The internet ads will help you choose to locate potential customers, target consumers thus saving considerable expense to assist companies improve efficiency in the market.

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Source: http://www.article-i.com/computers/accessories/find-the-internet-marketing-6/

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

7 Sneaky Ways To Lose Weight (And How They Can Make You ...

As a Personal Trainer, I hear daily the platitudes of people who wish to lose weight. Obesity is on the rise, and physical fitness is at an all time low.

On top of this depressing news, I don't have to be the one to highlight how very difficult it is for people to control their caloric intake. For this reason alone, more and more people are searching Google frantically looking for a Personal Trainer in their area.

There are many reasons why we put on weight. I'm going to show you 7 concrete ways you can start using today to reduce waist size AND become more productive at work.

Tip 1: The first thing that you can do if you wish to lose weight is to change your routine. If you sit idly for too long or don't walk much, you need to change it completely. A drastic change in your routine is the first step to shaking up your body's metabolism.

Tip 2: The next thing that you need to do is to control what you eat. Many people start their day with a light breakfast, and then eat a big lunch and a big dinner.However, that is not healthy. If you want to reduce weight, you need to eat less.

However, eating less might make you weak. For that reason, it is important for you to divide your meals into smaller portions. Eat a small portion now, and then wait a few hours before eating another small meal. This will keep your body's metabolism operating at maximum efficiency.

Tip 3: Know what you are eating. Whenever you eat, make sure it does not contain a high level of fats or carbohydrates. These can cause you to gain weight. It is important that you avoid eating these foods. You should also remember to eat a small d dinner, because that helps in fat burning.

Tip 4: Remember to keep your body hydrated. Drink lots of water, since that helps in keeping you healthy and full. If you are already full, your body will not accept much food. This is why you should drink as much water as you possibly can.

Tip 5: Exercising is an important factor in any weight reduction programme. If you want to reduce your weight, it is important that you join a gym or start exercising regularly at home. This enhances the calorie burning process, making it much easier for you to reduce fat quickly.

Tip 6: Keep track of the number of calories you take in every day, because it is important to plan ahead. Always keep away from sugary foods and take great care while eating so that you don't overdo it.

Tip 7: Remember to make a proper regime for yourself. Get to sleep on time, get up on time and work on time. A lapse in any of these will make it difficult for you to manage your health properly.

Losing weight is simply put a numbers game, less calories in = less fat stored around your waist. Don't wait to gain another pound before you decide that it's time to tackle your health. Take action NOW!

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Source: http://articles.submityourarticle.com/7-sneaky-ways-to-lose-weight-and-how-they-can-make-you-more-productive-at-work--284150

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33 Sickened by Salmonella Linked to Ground Beef: CDC

TUESDAY, July 24 (HealthDay News) -- A salmonella outbreak that has sickened 33 people in seven states appears to be linked to recalled ground beef produced by Cargill Meat Solutions, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The numbers of illnesses reported in each state are: Maine (1), Massachusetts (3), New Hampshire (2), New York (14), Rhode Island (1), Virginia (2) and Vermont (10). Eleven people have been hospitalized, but no deaths have been reported.

The ages of the patients ranged from 12 years to 101 years, the CDC said, and illnesses arose between June 6 to June 26. According to the agency, it takes an average of two to three weeks between the time a person becomes ill and when the illness is reported, which means that illnesses that occurred after June 29 might not be reported yet.

Federal and state investigators were able to link illnesses in five patients with ground beef products produced by a single Cargill Meat Solutions facility.

On July 22, Cargill recalled nearly 30,000 pounds of fresh ground beef products. The products carry the establishment number "EST. 9400" inside the USDA mark of inspection. The use-by dates of the products have passed and they are no longer available in grocery stores. Officials are concerned, however, that some of the recalled products may still be in consumers' freezers.

Consumers should check their refrigerators and freezers for the recalled products, which were sold under different brand names and may not bear the "EST. 9400" on the labeling. The only grocery-store chain known to have sold the contaminated meat is Hannaford Supermarkets, which operates about 180 stores across the northeastern United States, according to The New York Times.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service website has a list of stores that sold the recalled products.

Preliminary test results indicate that the salmonella strain involved in this outbreak is susceptible to commonly prescribed antibiotics, the CDC said.

The agency said the investigation is continuing and updates will be released to the public as information becomes available.

More information

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more about food and salmonella.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/33-sickened-salmonella-linked-ground-beef-cdc-200513007.html

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Intent: Do Not Give Up: An Inspirational Story

"My intent is to not give up. I need to believe that I can do this." | ?Support Claudia's Intent

At some point or other, we have all thought about giving up. No matter what the task it, we get to a point where we can no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to make it to the finish line.

The Olympics are just around the corner, and they are full of inspirational stories. One of these stories is of Derek Redmond. Ten years ago at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, Derek Redmond was making a second attempt to fulfill his Olympic dream. He was forced to pull out of the 1988 Olympics in Seoul due to an injury to his achilles tendon. He had gone through multiple surgeries but was in good shape at Barcelona and was favored to win the 400 meters dash. He won the quarter-finals and moved onto the semi-finals.

He started the race well and ran for about 150 meters before his hamstring snapped. He stopped and fell down in agony. After a few seconds down, he remembered where he was and got back up and continued running. Unable to run, he hobbled on. The other competitors had finished but Derek did not stop. Even though the competition was over, he just wanted to finish. A man fought off security and ran onto the track toward Derek. It was his father, Jim Redmond. He told Derek to stop and that he did not have anything to prove. Derek replied and told him that he did. His father helped him get back to his lane and Derek finished the race despite an injured hamstring and terrible pain. The crowd of 65,000 stood up and gave him a standing ovation. Even though Derek was officially disqualified and Olympic records state that he "Did Not Finish" the race, he finished it better than anyone else on that track.

Share your intent at Intent.com.

For more by Intent, click here.


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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/intent/inspirational-story_b_1703788.html

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Finding An Accredited Debt Consolidation Credit Counseling ...

> Debt Consolidation > Finding An Accredited Debt Consolidation Credit Counseling Agency

Your financial integrity is extremely valuable and if you need help getting back on track the best people to go to for debt consolidation credit counseling is a professional, accredited agency. There are so many options that you can take to sort out your debts that it may seem overwhelming and a debt consolidation credit counseling service can help you to decide which is the best route for you to take.

A debt consolidation credit counseling agency will go through your financial situation and work with you, and your creditors, to create a repayment plan that you can keep to until your debts are paid off. There are literally hundreds of debt consolidation credit counseling agencies and it is important to choose the best one for you. One of the major factors that you should consider when searching for the best debt consolidation credit counseling agency to suit your needs is to check if they are accredited to a third party organization. Accreditation means that the services of the debt consolidation credit counseling agency are endorsed by another organization that confirms their high standards.

There are a number of organizations that a debt consolidation credit counseling agency can be accredited by but the most well known is the Council on Accreditation of Services for Families and Children, Inc. (COA). This guarantees that the debt consolidation credit counseling agency will adhere to high standards of service delivery, counselor certification, fiscal integrity, and volunteer Board governance. The COA does not give accreditation to every debt consolidation credit counseling agency and they only give their seal of approval to those debt consolidation credit counseling agencies who meet their exacting standards are given their seal of approval.

Many debt consolidation credit counseling agencies are members of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. Debt consolidation credit counseling agents who are NFCC-certified have undergone a rigorous training and testing program.

To receive accreditation the debt consolidation credit counseling agency must comply with several service-specific quality standards such as:

? Annual audits of operating and trust accounts

? The debt consolidation credit counseling agency meets all consumer disclosure requirements as set forth by the Federal Trade Commission

? Funds are disbursed daily and funds are disbursed immediately in emergencies

? Each consumer receives an assessment of how he/she came to be in financial difficulty, a comprehensive financial plan, and a written plan of action

? Clients receive (at minimum) a quarterly statement

In addition, the COA has their own standards for service delivery

Source: http://www.yodzian.com/html/content/finding-an-accredited-debt-consolidation-credit-counseling-agency/

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Traveling safe to Lebanon: is a travel insurance necessary?

Do you need a travel insurance for your next trip??Before you start designing your travel to Lebanon take five minutes to find information on the potential problems with that country

In Lebanon the crime rate is moderate, but both car theft and burglaries do occur. Violent crime and sexual assault are rare, although petty theft ? such as pick pocketing and purse snatching ? is common in crowded public areas. Police are responsive but often unable to effect a positive outcome. There are no special concerns with regard to targeted victimization of travelers in scams or confidence schemes.

With all that in mind take the time to choose your travel insurance with care.

Source: http://www.insurance-travel.com/advices/traveling-safe-lebanon-learn-about-where-going/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=traveling-safe-lebanon-learn-about-where-going

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How To Know When Your Ex Boyfriend Wants You Back - Get Clued In

How To Know When Your Ex Boyfriend Wants You Back  -  Get Clued In

If your relationship has recently ended and you strongly desire to get back together with your ex-boyfriend, there are certain signals he may be sending that can tell you whether or not you've got a green light to proceed with attempts to resurrect the flame. However, because men and women communicate differently from one another, many women simply read the signs wrong or put meaning on them that isn't there. Learning how the male psyche functions is essential to success in romance. The first step to getting a guy back is to determine where you actually stand with him.

Confusion Is Normal and We End Up Misinterpreting Things

Your ex may be confused and unsure about whether he wants a future with you, but chances are that he knows the answer to this deep down. No matter what's taking place on the surface, the subconscious doesn't play games or lie. Mere friendliness, though, shouldn't be mistaken for signs that he wants to get back together with you. Guys sometimes feel guilty when a relationship ends and go overboard trying to maintain their "good guy" status by behaving in a friendly fashion.

One of the biggest mistakes that we make as women is misinterpreting signals that we receive from the men in our lives. This is true in all aspects of male/female dynamics, whether we're trying to spark a fledgling new flame or attempting to relight the embers of an old one. Because humiliation and despair can be the result of reading signs wrong, it's essential that women learn the skills necessary for proper interpretation male communication methods.

You may be thinking that some women are simply born with the ability to understand and appropriately respond to men, and you're half right. All women are born with the necessary innate hard-wiring to effectively communicate with the opposite sex, but that's often lost as we grow up and fail to realize the power of our own instincts.

Signs That He's Still Interested

If you and your ex are still speaking with one another on a regular basis, make a mental note of how often he reminisces about the time that you spent together as a couple. Even if he is doing so in a sarcastic-seeming manner, it's an indication that you're still very much on his mind. It may be an indirect way of putting out feelers in order to ascertain whether or not there is a chance of the two of you resuming your romance. If you're still talking, he's sending signals of some kind, and correctly interpreting them is easy once you know how.

Women need to remember that men are even more frightened by the thought of rejection than we are. Just as you're trying to decipher the signals that he's sending you, he's trying to read between the lines of your conversations with him. Remember that the male psyche moves in a more linear manner than ours does. The trick is to send signals of your own that are direct enough for him to understand while at the same time not coming on too strong. I realize that it's a difficult dance for many women to do, but if we listen to our inner instincts, we'll usually end up landing on our feet.

Letting Your Inner Instincts Shine Through

I'm sure that you're familiar with what's commonly called a "gut feeling," where you can't quite put your finger on how or why you feel a certain way. Many of us are conditioned to ignore these feelings because they aren't logical. It's best to pay attention to these feelings, however, because they're your hard-wiring at work.

If your ex seems to be finding ways to insert the fact that he's still single into your conversations with him, that's his way of testing the waters as well as subtly letting you know that he's available. He's also trying to gain information concerning your own relationship status without going out on a potentially ego-damaging emotional limb. This is where it gets tricky, though -- if he casually mentions his latest dates with other women, he might be carefully looking for your reaction to his admission that he's seeing others.

Listen To His Body Language

His body language when the two of you are together is probably telling you all that you need to know about the possibility of getting back together with him. Verbal language can be twisted for purposes of self-protection, but body language rarely makes a dishonest move. If he's facing you when you talk, that indicates that he's open to you, and casually touching you during conversation his way of letting you know that he'd like to touch you more.

These are only a few of the signs that your ex boyfriend in open to renewing your relationship. Your next step is learn how to make your innate hard-wiring work for you rather than against you, and you can do so by learning some Facebook techniques designed to help you reconnect with your primal instincts. This is actually the easiest kind of learning because it's based on things that you already know as a woman.

The Importance Of Living An Authentic Life

You may discover that your ex-boyfriend simply isn't the right man for you. Not every relationship was meant to last, even those that had high value for both parties during the course of their duration. However, understanding yourself as a woman will automatically result in a more accurate perception of the male mind. Even if things don't work out between the two of you, you'll be emotionally ready for the next guy, and chances are that he will be the true love of your life.

What If He Is The One? - Your Next Steps

If your ex is not showing you any positive signals he wants you back, there are things that you can do to bring them out. All you have to do is be aware of masculine psychological triggers that will make him admit how he actually feels. The best way to make him more ready to be honest with you is to make him miss you after your break up. This will make him realise what you really mean to him.

Remember that to get back your ex boyfriend, you have to be prepared, there is no good just winging it. By reading up on as much break up literature as you can, you will be ready to face the challenges that lie ahead and change your strategy accordingly. Good luck!

Source: http://www.streetarticles.com/reconnecting/how-to-know-when-your-ex-boyfriend-wants-you-back-get-clued-in

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Frida Kahlo ? Part 4 | my daily art display

My blog today is the fourth and final part of Frida Kahlo?s life story.? Over the last three blogs I have looked at her ancestry, her birth, her school days and her first marriage to Diego Rivera.? Today I am going to talk about the latter stages of her life and her continued sufferings both mental and physical.

It is November 1931, and after having spent the summer back in Mexico, Frida and Diego Rivera sailed to New York for his retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art that December.? From New York the couple moved on to Philadelphia and Detroit where, in the spring of 1932, Rivera was commissioned to paint a mural at the Detroit Art Institute.? Early that September, Frida received the sad news that her mother was dying of breast cancer.?? She and her friend Lucienne Bloch returned to the Frida?s family home in Mexico.? Her mother, Matilde, died following gall-bladder surgery on September 15th.? Art historians have always asserted that Frida, despite her many attempts, had never been able to form a close bond with her mother.? However this contention was brought into question in 2007 when an exhibition was held at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, entitled Mamacita Linda: Letters between Frida Kahlo and her Mother, which featured a collection of letters sent between Frida and her family and friends.?? Some of the letters were between mother and daughter in the years before her mother?s death and these show remarkable tenderness and affection between the two women which may prompt scholars to re-evaluate the way they look at the mother?s impact on her daughter?s life and work.? The contents of the letters between the two women are very moving especially at the time when the health of Frida?s mother was beginning to fail.? The collection contained the last letter her mother ever wrote to Frida in which she tells her how happy she was to talk to her on the telephone.

My Nurse and I by Frida Kahlo (1937)

The first painting by Frida Kahlo I am featuring today is entitled My Nurse and I which she completed in 1937 and can be now found in the Dolores Olmedo Pati?o Museum in Mexico City.? The year 1937 was the one in which Frida suffered one of her many miscarriages or abortions and these traumatic incidents in her life sparked off a series of paintings in which her yearning for a child became merged with reminiscences of her own childhood.

Se?or de las Limas

It is a small work of art, just 12? x 14?, which harks back to her birth and her early relationship with her mother.? The depiction and posture of the adult and baby in this painting by Frida Kahlo could have derived from Se?or de las Limas, the greenstone sculpture which was found around Vera Cruz in Mexico and dates back 3000 years.

Matilde, Frida?s mother, was unable to breastfeed Frida because her sister Cristina was born just eleven months after her.?? For this reason, she had to be fed by a native Indian wet-nurse, whom the family hired for that sole purpose.? Unfortunately her term of employment had to be ended abruptly as she had alcohol-related problems and was fired for drinking on the job!?? In this painting, we see the wet nurse holding the baby Frida, who is dressed in European-style garb, but with an adult head and long black hair.? In the original painting Frida painted her baby-image with short hair but later changed it. ?In the picture we see the wet nurse suckling the baby and the ducts and glands of the lactating breast are repeated in the white coloured leaf behind the two figures.? The landscape is lush with vegetation and the sky is raining milk upon them. This aspect is more than likely derived from the wet nurse?s description of rain as ?milk from the Virgin?.? Milk also drips from both breasts?emphasizing both fertility and nourishment. The relationship between the wet nurse and the baby appears detached and aloof.? The wet nurse does not embrace nor cuddle Frida and it almost looks as if she is holding her up to us as if the baby is a sacrificial offering. The painting highlights the fact that there seems to have been no maternal-type love between wet nurse and baby and simply reduced it to the practical process of feeding.

The baby in the painting has an adult head because it was the adult Frida who had the memory of this time.?? As Frida has no memory of what her wet nurse looked like, she covered her face with a Teotihuacan funerary mask. ??Of this aspect of the painting Frida said:

??I came out looking like such a little girl and she so strong and so saturated with providence that it made me long to sleep??

At the bottom of the painting there is an unfurled blank scroll which makes one believe that at some time during painting the work Frida was going to add a message explaining the meaning behind it.? Frida considered this to be one of her most powerful works and wrote about this painting saying:

??I am in my nurse?s arms, with the face of a grown up woman and the body of a little girl, while milk falls from her nipples as if from the heavens??

In December 1933, Frida and Diego return to Mexico. Upon their return they moved into the double studio-houses in San Angel. ?Frida lived in one, Rivera in the other.?? In early 1934, after being pregnant for 3 months, Frida?s third pregnancy and health was again in trouble. ?She underwent an appendectomy, an abortion, and an operation on her foot in which three toes were removed. ??Her marriage to Rivera was not running smoothly and he was involved in a number of extra-marital affairs.? Frida was aware of many of these and in many of her self-portraits around this time they show her, not as a smiling happy young woman, but as a person who has had her heart broken on many occasions.? However it all came to a head when Frida found out that her husband was having an affair with her younger sister Christina. ?Although Cristina was married, her husband had abandoned her and their two children. Cristina had worked as one of Diego?s models and had become his favourite muse.? Soon she began appearing in his murals.? When she found out about this affair, Frida was devastated and she left Rivera.? The separation lasted until the end of 1935 when the couple were reconciled albeit they led separate lives.

Self-Portrait dedicated to Leon Trotsky
by Frida Kahlo (1937)

Frida was also far from faithful in her marriage, and had a number of affairs with both men and women.? Although Rivera was willing to accept Frida?s homosexual affairs he would not tolerate any sexual liaisons she had with men.? The most famous of her male lovers was Leon Trotsky, the Russian revolutionary, who fled to Mexico, with his wife Natalia, to escape the clutches of Stalin. Rivera had secured asylum for them and Frida had loaned them her home in Coyoac?n.? She had a brief love affair with him in the summer of 1937 but it all ended when Rivera became suspicious of her relationship with the Russian.? On November 7th 1937, which was both his birthday and the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, she gave Trotsky a self-portrait for him to keep as a reminder of their short affair.? The painting was entitled Self-Portrait dedicated to Leon Trotsky and was one of her most seductive self-portraits.? In the painting we see Frida beautifully dressed in the clothes of a colonial aristocrat holding a letter addressed to Trotsky and on it are the words:

??To Leon Trotsky, with all my love, I dedicate this painting on 7th November 1937. Frida Kahlo in Saint Angel, Mexico??

The painting came back into her possession in 1939 when Trotsky and his wife left the area.? In August 1940 Frida was devastated to hear that Trotsky had been assassinated in Mexico City.

Frida travelled to New York in 1938 where she had the first solo exhibition of her paintings at the Julien Levy Gallery.? The following year she went to Paris where her paintings were being shown at the Colle Gallery.? After this she returns to Mexico and goes back to live in her family home in Coyoac?n.? Frida and Rivera agreed to separate and divorce proceedings began.? The divorce was finalised in November 1939.?? Frida?s health was slowly but surely deteriorating all the time and in 1940 she travelled to San Francisco where she received medical attention and a second opinion from Doctor Eloesser, who was to become a great friend of hers and remained such right up to her death.? The doctor was also a close friend of Diego Rivera, who also happened to be in San Francisco at the time and it was due to the persuasive powers of Doctor Eloesser that Frida reconciled with Rivera and the pair re-marry on December 8th 1940.? That day also happened to be Rivera?s fifty-fourth birthday. ?At the end of the year Frida returned to Mexico whilst her husband remained in San Francisco.? The reason for this was that because he had had vociferously and publicly criticised Trotsky he had come under suspicion with regards the Russian?s assassination.? In February 1941, no longer under suspicion, Diego returned to Mexico.? ?He?went back to live in the Kahlo family home in Coyoac?n with Frida, using the San Angel house as his studio.? More tragedy strikes Frida when that April, her father died. It was thought that he had suffered a heart attack while others said it was an epileptic seizure. ??Frida was distraught and became depressed which exacerbated her failing health.

In 1950, Kahlo was hospitalized due to recurring spinal problems. She underwent a total of seven operations on her spine during that year.?? After her discharge from the hospital in 1951, she was confined to her bed for much of the time and full-time nurses were hired to care for her and give her injections of pain killers.

Feet, What do I Need Them For if I Have Wings to Fly

In August 1953, the gangrene on Frida?s right foot worsened and doctors were forced to amputate her right leg below the knee. ?She was fitted with a wooden leg but her addiction to pain killers and alcohol left her balance unstable making it hazardous for her to walk with the prosthetic. ?She wrote in her diary alongside a sketch of her amputated leg:

??Feet?what do I need them for if I have wings to fly?.?

In April 1954, Frida contracted pneumonia and was hospitalized for two months. ??Three months later, on July 7th, ?Frida had her 47th birthday. That morning, dressed in a traditional white Yalalag huipil with a lavender tassel, make-up on and flowers in her hair, she was carried down the stairs into the dining room. ?There she entertained more than 100 guests throughout the day. At 8 o?clock in the evening she was taken back upstairs to rest but continued to hold court.

Viva la Vida by Frida Kahlo (1954)

My final painting by Frida Kahlo is her last work of art which she completed just eight days before she died.? It is entitled Viva la vida and is a still-life work.? It is a juxtaposition of the crimson of the chopped and sliced watermelon with the half dark, half light sky. ?The last element of this painting was the inscription Frida painted on the slice of melon we see in the foreground:


Coyoac?n 1954 Mexico

The night before Frida died she was critically ill with pneumonia. Diego sat beside her bed until 2:30 am. That night Frida gave Diego a ring that she had bought for him as a gift for their 25th anniversary, which was still seventeen days away. When he asked why she was giving it to him so early Frida simply replied

??Because I feel I am going to leave you very soon??

In the early morning of Tuesday, July 13th, 1954, Frida died in the ?Blue House? where she was born 47 years earlier. The cause of death was officially reported as a pulmonary embolism.?? Frida?s old schoolmate from the Preparatoria, Andr?s Iduarte, who was now the director of the Palacio de Bellas Artes, gave Diego permission for Frida?s body to lie in state in the huge high-ceiling hall.? ?That night, dressed in Tehuana attire and over accessorized with jewellery, Frida?s body lay in state in the foyer of the Palacio de Bellas Artes, with Diego at her side the whole night. By noon the next day more than 600 mourners had passed by her coffin to pay their last respects.

Onc,e when asked what should be done with her body when she dies, Frida replied:

?Burn it?I don?t want to be buried. I have spent too much time lying down?just burn it!?.

On November 24, 1957, Diego Rivera died of heart failure in his San Angel studio.

Frida and Diego in 1954
The year she died

I leave you with a diary entry Frida made during?the last painful months of her life, which shows how, despite all the setbacks she suffered and the pain she had to endure, she was still an optimist and a fighter and still very much in love with her husband:

I have achieved a lot,

I will be able to walk

I will be able to paint

I love Diego more

than I love myself

My will is great

My will remains


As was the case when I wrote about the great Italian female painter, Artemisia Gentileschi, (My Daily Art Display November 24th 2011) this has not just been a tale about art and an artist but a tale of sadness and suffering and one wonders why some people have to suffer so much in their life time.

Source: http://mydailyartdisplay.wordpress.com/2012/07/20/frida-kahlo-part-4/

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