Saturday, July 21, 2012

How To Know When Your Ex Boyfriend Wants You Back - Get Clued In

How To Know When Your Ex Boyfriend Wants You Back  -  Get Clued In

If your relationship has recently ended and you strongly desire to get back together with your ex-boyfriend, there are certain signals he may be sending that can tell you whether or not you've got a green light to proceed with attempts to resurrect the flame. However, because men and women communicate differently from one another, many women simply read the signs wrong or put meaning on them that isn't there. Learning how the male psyche functions is essential to success in romance. The first step to getting a guy back is to determine where you actually stand with him.

Confusion Is Normal and We End Up Misinterpreting Things

Your ex may be confused and unsure about whether he wants a future with you, but chances are that he knows the answer to this deep down. No matter what's taking place on the surface, the subconscious doesn't play games or lie. Mere friendliness, though, shouldn't be mistaken for signs that he wants to get back together with you. Guys sometimes feel guilty when a relationship ends and go overboard trying to maintain their "good guy" status by behaving in a friendly fashion.

One of the biggest mistakes that we make as women is misinterpreting signals that we receive from the men in our lives. This is true in all aspects of male/female dynamics, whether we're trying to spark a fledgling new flame or attempting to relight the embers of an old one. Because humiliation and despair can be the result of reading signs wrong, it's essential that women learn the skills necessary for proper interpretation male communication methods.

You may be thinking that some women are simply born with the ability to understand and appropriately respond to men, and you're half right. All women are born with the necessary innate hard-wiring to effectively communicate with the opposite sex, but that's often lost as we grow up and fail to realize the power of our own instincts.

Signs That He's Still Interested

If you and your ex are still speaking with one another on a regular basis, make a mental note of how often he reminisces about the time that you spent together as a couple. Even if he is doing so in a sarcastic-seeming manner, it's an indication that you're still very much on his mind. It may be an indirect way of putting out feelers in order to ascertain whether or not there is a chance of the two of you resuming your romance. If you're still talking, he's sending signals of some kind, and correctly interpreting them is easy once you know how.

Women need to remember that men are even more frightened by the thought of rejection than we are. Just as you're trying to decipher the signals that he's sending you, he's trying to read between the lines of your conversations with him. Remember that the male psyche moves in a more linear manner than ours does. The trick is to send signals of your own that are direct enough for him to understand while at the same time not coming on too strong. I realize that it's a difficult dance for many women to do, but if we listen to our inner instincts, we'll usually end up landing on our feet.

Letting Your Inner Instincts Shine Through

I'm sure that you're familiar with what's commonly called a "gut feeling," where you can't quite put your finger on how or why you feel a certain way. Many of us are conditioned to ignore these feelings because they aren't logical. It's best to pay attention to these feelings, however, because they're your hard-wiring at work.

If your ex seems to be finding ways to insert the fact that he's still single into your conversations with him, that's his way of testing the waters as well as subtly letting you know that he's available. He's also trying to gain information concerning your own relationship status without going out on a potentially ego-damaging emotional limb. This is where it gets tricky, though -- if he casually mentions his latest dates with other women, he might be carefully looking for your reaction to his admission that he's seeing others.

Listen To His Body Language

His body language when the two of you are together is probably telling you all that you need to know about the possibility of getting back together with him. Verbal language can be twisted for purposes of self-protection, but body language rarely makes a dishonest move. If he's facing you when you talk, that indicates that he's open to you, and casually touching you during conversation his way of letting you know that he'd like to touch you more.

These are only a few of the signs that your ex boyfriend in open to renewing your relationship. Your next step is learn how to make your innate hard-wiring work for you rather than against you, and you can do so by learning some Facebook techniques designed to help you reconnect with your primal instincts. This is actually the easiest kind of learning because it's based on things that you already know as a woman.

The Importance Of Living An Authentic Life

You may discover that your ex-boyfriend simply isn't the right man for you. Not every relationship was meant to last, even those that had high value for both parties during the course of their duration. However, understanding yourself as a woman will automatically result in a more accurate perception of the male mind. Even if things don't work out between the two of you, you'll be emotionally ready for the next guy, and chances are that he will be the true love of your life.

What If He Is The One? - Your Next Steps

If your ex is not showing you any positive signals he wants you back, there are things that you can do to bring them out. All you have to do is be aware of masculine psychological triggers that will make him admit how he actually feels. The best way to make him more ready to be honest with you is to make him miss you after your break up. This will make him realise what you really mean to him.

Remember that to get back your ex boyfriend, you have to be prepared, there is no good just winging it. By reading up on as much break up literature as you can, you will be ready to face the challenges that lie ahead and change your strategy accordingly. Good luck!


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