Monday, July 2, 2012

The Attack List [under construction]

Now that training and the basics of fighting have been explained, I want to get one thing out of the way, and that's how many of which attacks will you be able to learn. There are tiers of attacks which include 1, 2, 3, and X! Throughout your time on this forum, you will be able to learn different attacks from each tier (depending on your power level or achievements in the story). In the end, you'll have three extra tier 1 attacks, three tier 2 attacks, two tier 3 attacks, and one tier X attack.

Attack Mechanics: This is the list of attacks from the DBZ Universe and many could be missing or named differently, but there's enough for variety. But with variety comes a brand new way to gain attacks, aside from the usual "You may only learn ( Attack name here ) at a certain power level". I'm speaking of the tier system, which gives a new way to keep track of powerful attacks and other innovative things. There will be a set limit to how many of each tier attacks can be learned, but once that is figured out? there's one more thing that must be paid attention to: Upgradable attacks.

This is where strategy comes in when speaking on a Character Build point of view. For instance, look at Kamehameha (Marked by a (*), which means it is upgradable). What do you see? Does it look like -

*Kamehameha: Turtle Hermit's signature attack, initiated by channeling your latent energy into your cupped hands, concentrating your Ki into a volumized, spherical mass of energy. The result when thrust forward is a potent beam of Ki.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 2's Angry Kamehameha

Good. See the 'Can be upgraded to' area that has Tier 2's Angry Kamehameha underneath it? That means that once you've reached the power level to acquire Tier 2 techniques, you can choose to upgrade the attack or you may choose an entirely different attack (and later upgrade when given another chance to get a tier 2. It doesn't end there, though. Look at Angry Kamehameha. It also has (*) next to it, so upgrading does not end there.

*Angry Kamehameha: A second tier Kamehameha that's used in times of rage, or at any given time once its power is harnessed. This requires no chant of any type and only needs to be charged in one hand, like a simple Ki Blast. Very powerful.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 3's Kamehameha x10, Tier 3's Super Kamehameha or (With instant transmission) Tier 3's Instant Kamehameha.

See that? It has two upgrade choices, both in Tier 3. This means that you have to choose one or the other, or choose an entirely different attack (With the chance to upgrade to BOTH later on, depending on the established limit). Super Kamehameha is a dead end, but check out Kamehameha x10 and Instant Kamehameha, though. Both of them can be upgraded to Tier X's attacks once your power has reached high enough to gain it.

Like it was stated earlier, whether or not you can get all upgraded versions of Kamehameha depends on the limit, but don't forget to check the info of other attacks. Some of them require you to have other attacks in order to upgrade, such as Big Bang Attack (Which can later be upgraded to Big Bang Kamehameha if you grabbed Angry Kamehameha).

Key: [ (*) = Upgradeable | (**) = Final Upgradeable Version ]

It has come to my attention that some people have been finding a few loopholes as to how to learn certain abilities, such as needing to train with Master Roshi in order to gain Kamehameha. I'm putting a stop to that.

There will be no including in your character history that you trained with any of the people that teach you different abilities. That is a cheap way of gaining an extra attack right off the bat and will NOT be tolerated. Also, you cannot choose to simply go train with these people. They have to accept you and there are certain conditions that must be met, which will be explained later.

Tier 1 (Weakest)

*4 Arms Attack: The attack allows one to grow two additional arms out of his back, and attack much more often. (Doubles next melee/non-blade/non-ki attack for 4 turns.)

Brave Slash: Infuse your blade with Ki, every swing thrusting forth a crescent-shaped mass of explosive Ki. (Bladed weapon needed) Does 8% Damage; Takes 2% BP from User.

*Buster Cannon: The user extends his hands outwards from his body slightly raised, the user then gathers energy upon their palms. Once enough energy is gathers the user will push their hands foward shooting a large single beam of Ki at the opponent. The power of such attack is determined by how much energy gathers. Does 14% Damage; Takes 6% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 2's Double Buster

*Chou Makouhou (Mouth Beam): The user opens his mouth, generating a powerful, thick beam of Ki. Does 9% Damage; Takes 3% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 2's Chou Makousen

Crusher Ball: The user charges a medium sized ball of energy in one hand, then bats it with the other hand toward the enemy. Speed of the ball is determined by the power of the hit. Does 11% Damage; Takes 3% BP from User.

Cube Fade: The cube fade is an evasive technique that allows your body to break down into cubes and appear in any destination you wish. Takes 3% BP from User.

Dodonpa: An instant Ki beam fired through the index finger capable of piercing anything in its path, though the attack is small and can??t be charged it can be instantly fired. Does 7% Damage; Takes 2% BP from User.

Destructo Disc: The user raises an arm upward; open palmed, and conjures a disk-like structure of ki with the ability to slice right through an opponent. Does 11% Damage; Takes 4% BP from User.

Double Sunday: Charged beams fired from both hands. Does 10% Damage; Takes 4% BP from User.

Dynamite Kick: It looks like a normal kick, except after the kick hits the enemy, you say "Detonate" - An explosion then follows. Does 8% Damage; Takes 3% BP from User.

*Explosive Wave: Cause your aura to coalesce onto your body, and then send it back out instantly empowered by Ki, creating an explosive aura that expands out to collide with the opponent. Doesn't need to be prepped, unless you're charging it to do more damage. Explosive wave can also negate the damage of any Ki based attack that does 15% or less damage. Does 15% Damage; Takes 6% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 2's Super Explosive Wave

Expanding Energy Blast: Expel a single, large mass of Ki into the air that expands, and then breaks apart into many that descend down upon the opponent. Does 12% Damage; Takes 5% BP from User.

Evil Flame: Breathe in the surrounding thermal energy, and then send it out of your mouth with Ki to quite literally "breathe fire". Does 14% Damage; Takes 4% BP from User.

Eye Beams: Ki-beams launched from the eyes. Does 6% Damage; Takes 1% NP from User.

**Ashi Kara Kamehameha: Fire a Kamehameha from your feet to propel yourself at the opponent; leaving your hands free to attack. Does 9% Damage; Takes 2% from User.

Galick Gun: Much like Kamehameha, in which the user gathers Ki into cupped hands, though the placement is different. Both hands can either be brought to one side, almost reminiscent to Kamehameha, or the cupped hands may rest at the waist. Either way, a volumized sphere of ki would manifest to be thrust forward in the form of a powerful, blue beam. Does 15% Damage; Takes 6% BP from User.

Gekiretsu Madan (Rapid Ki Barrage): Though it can be performed in many ways the end result is the user releasing multiple Ki beams at the chosen target with deadly precision, though the beam number is chosen by the user this attack can be charged to create larger more effective beams to which smash the target and can be continued for as long as the user has energy to sustain the barrage. Does 12% Damage; Takes 4% from User.

Hana Gaeshi Kameha: This is the ability to block tier 1 attacks by putting your hands in front of your chest and exerting a powerful psychic force. (3 uses) Takes 3% BP from User.

*Hyper Tornado: Using your body like a torpedo, thrust yourself with the momentous spin of a tornado toward your opponent. Does 9% Damage; Dazes you for next turn (Can?t use or charge any Ki next turn).
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 3's Super Hyper Tornado

*Ikoukan o Hatsusei: This defensive technique opens up a portal, allowing you to absorb a ki blast. Takes 2% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 2's Kuukanteni

*Kamehameha: Turtle Hermit's signature attack, initiated by channeling your latent energy into your cupped hands, concentrating your Ki into a volumized, spherical mass of energy. The result when thrust forward is a potent beam of Ki. {Must learn from Turtle Hermit, on Earth.} Does 15% Damage; Takes 6% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 2's Angry Kamehameha or Tier 1's Ashi Kara Kamehameha.

Kaikosen (Paralyze): Muster up your Ki and force it onto the opponent in a haze-like form, using it to momentarily paralyze your opponent. Takes 3% BP from User.

Masenko: Bringing your hands up to your face, palms facing the opponent, you simply gather Ki until you??re able to launch a charged beam. That simple. Does 14% Damage; Takes 5% BP from User.

Multi-Form: This is a technique where the user splits into four separate entities. The four entities can fight on their own and be attack separately, but their BP is divided into four, with each copy receiving ? of the original?s power level. You can stay like this for the entire battle, but remember how much weaker the duplicates will be.

Solar Flare: A highly useful attack for defensive and offensive purposes. The puts their hands up to their face and shouts "TAYOKEN" or "SOLAR FLARE", this causes the sun's rays to be amplified and reflected into the opponent's eyes, thus blinding them. This can be used many times due the fact no energy is required.

Zanzoken: After-image technique. Takes 3% BP from User.

Tier 2 (Intermediate)

*Angry Kamehameha: A second tier Kamehameha that's used in times of rage, or at any given time once its power is harnessed. This requires no chant of any type and only needs to be charged in one hand, like a simple Ki Blast. Very powerful. Does 25% Damage; Takes 10% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 3's Kamehameha x10, Tier 3's Super Kamehameha, or (With instant transmission)Tier 3's Instant Kamehameha.

Atomic Blast: Just as it sounds, this is a Ki attack of atomic proportions. Just as many others, it's charged into the hand, but the concentration of the Ki is channeled not through the entire body, but only the arm. This attack specifically reacts to the ambient temperatures of the surroundings, reaping from them every ounce of thermal energy that it can. So once it is launched and makes contact with something, its eruption is quite literally atomic. Does 26% Damage; Takes 10% BP from User.

Burning Shoot: Charge your aura with a burning mist of Ki, and then focus it onto one part of your body; if your arm is imbued, your ki will detonate on physical impact with the enemy if a punch or anything arm related occurs. Does 18% Damage; Takes 6% BP from User.

**Chou Makousen: The ultimate mouth blast that, once released, resembles and can match the power of some of the strongest (normal) Kamehameha waves. Does 20% Damage; Takes 8% BP from User.

Chou no Ryoku: The attack is in the form of a thin piece of energy, which wraps around the victim sucking the energy out of them. Does 15% Damage; Restores your BP by 8% of their Max BP.

Chou Soukidan (Spirit Ball): Very reminiscent of the Spirit Bomb, though of a much larger proportion and it doesn't include reaping the surroundings of its energy. Instead, your own energy is expended to create a ball of Ki that is completely under your will; allowing you to guide it expertly. Does 22% Damage; Takes 7% BP from User.

Dark Impulse (Evil Impulse): Muster up your Ki, negatively charged, creating a mass of Ki as black as night. Like the Ki-blast, only a helluva lot stronger. {Must go to/have been to Hell to acquire this technique} Does 25% Damage; Takes 8% BP from User.

*Death Beam: Releases a deadly beam of Ki from the tip of your index finger. Does 23% Damage; Takes 9% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 2's Death Beam Volley

**Death Beam Volley: Rapidly fired death beams from both fingers. Does 26% Damage; Takes 11% BP from User.

Death Saucer: Very much like Destructo Disk, though two are created and once locked onto an enemy, they never give up their chase. Does 27% Damage; Takes 12% BP from User.

*Double Buster: An attack similar to the Buster Cannon, although two beams of Ki are launched. Does 22% Damage; Takes 10% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 2's Finish Buster

Earth Line Blast: A beam of Ki that is fired out like a whip, capable of cutting a line through a planet. Does 19% Damage; Takes 7% BP from User.

**Finish Buster: The user raises there hands up opening there palms, a large gold ball of Ki is then created through the gathering of Ki. Once the ball is strong enough it can be launched at the opponent, the size and strength of the sphere is determined by how long its charged and how much Ki is used. Does 26% Damage; Takes 11% BP from User.

*Galactic Donuts: Create a ring of Ki that'll constrict the enemy and explode, or leave it around them and quickly use another attack before the enemy is able to escape. Harder to bind stronger characters. Does 17% Damage, only if exploding; Takes 8% BP from User.
Can be upgraded to
Tier 3's Charged Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball

*Gekiretsu Shin?'ou'hou: Very much like Final Flash, in its execution anyway. But instead of gathering one's own Ki, this is a weaker attack that almost instantly gathers energy from very close surroundings. Does 21% Damage; Takes 8% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to?
Tier 3's Shin Gekiretsu Shin'ou'hou

Hell's Storm: Miniature Ki-beam barrage launched from the palm; very powerful if all thirty manage to hit. Does 19% Damage; Takes 7% BP from User.

Instant Transmission: Instant Transmission is a technique that comes natural to those of the Yardration race. It allows one to transmit their physical form throughout the universe to a person whom the user knows. It has no limit as to how far it can transport you. Takes 5% BP from User inside and outside of battle.
Needed(With Kamehameha) for Tier 3's Instant Kamehameha

Ki Absorption: A technique in which the user uses a certain part of the body or his own aura to absorb the opponents Ki; absorb too much and you'll explode.

Ki barrier: Creates a barrier using your Ki to block Tier 1 attacks (Able to block up to Tier 2's when stronger). Takes 7% BP from User.

**Kuukanteni: With this attack you creates a hole in time and space that has an entrance and an exit. Then punch into this hole (or send a Ki blast into it) and your fist comes out of the exit, allowing to attack enemies from afar. Also lets you capture Ki like Ikoukan o Hatsusei, and then send it at the opponent. Does damage of opponents attack, or User?s melee damage; Takes 2% BP from User.?

*Light Grenade: A powerful technique that compresses Ki in the user's hands for as long as possible, until it begins to spark violently. Release the compressed Ki toward the enemy, and watch as the kinetic force of the explosion tears them apart. Does 22% Damage; Takes 9% BP from User.--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 3's Hellzone Grenade

Lightning Arrow: Charging up potent ki into both palms, you'd launch them into the air and watch as they come down much like a volley of explosive arrows that bombard the opponent. Does 19% Damage; Takes 9% BP from User.

Lighting Shower Rain: Wave your finger from right to left, or vice versa, leaving behind six small orbs of Ki. Then, pointing that same finger toward your enemy, unleash a barrage of powerful needle thin Ki that'll cut through the enemy and/or simply explode upon contact. Does 24% Damage; Takes 8% BP from User.

Nova Strike: Encase yourself in a solid sheet of Ki, using your own body as a projectile against the enemy; also useful for flying right into such attacks as Kamehameha, putting up a firm resistance. Does 18% Damage; Takes 8% BP from User.

Ring Jyou no: Launch rings of ki toward the opponent that'll bind them to a hard surface. Takes 3% BP from User.

**Super Explosive Wave: A much stronger version of the Explosive Wave. Does 29% Damage; Takes 14% BP from User.

Special Beam Cannon: The user places his index and middle fingers upon his forehead; thereafter gaining a large amount of energy. The user would extend his hand forward, releasing a thin, potent beam of ki capable of piercing through the opponent. Does 20% Damage; Takes 7% BP from User.

Scatter Finger Beam: Compressed, small orbs of Ki are manifested at the tips of each finger, and then launched simultaneous as five small, yet deadly ki beams. Does 24% Damage; Takes 9% BP from User.

Trap Shooter: Trap shooter has two forms of attack, the first containing of two balls of Ki fired at such a high velocity that it's hard to see, with the added bonus of first hitting with blunt force, and then zooming off and back around to attack the enemy with an explosive power. The second form is the most common; a single ball of Ki that, when thrown, scatters into 7 smaller heat seekers. First form does 22% Damage (11 if only one hits); Second form does 5% Damage for each that hits (7 possible of hitting). Takes 11% BP from User.

*Tri-Beam: Performed by placing the hands in a triangular shape, aiming at the opponent. The Ki is expelled in triangular form, but strikes as a squared blast. Does 18% Damage; Takes 8% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 3's Ki Beam Cannon

Volcanic Eruption: Concentrating a volume of ki beneath the ground, and then commanding it to erupt beneath where the opponent stands will cause great damage with the pillar of Ki that explodes. Does 17% Damage; Takes 7% BP from User.

Vice Shout: Let out a powerful scream at a high enough pitch to hit the opponent with the sonic boom of the traveling sound; at a high enough pitch, it may even rip a hole into the fabric of time and space to allow for a form of teleportation. Does 16% Damage; Takes 7% BP from User.

Wolf Fang Fist (13 hits): Oddly enough, the initiation of this attack has your aura flaring up in the form of a wolf??s face. This physical combo can be quite devastating, but its first two hits much land on the opponent for the whole thing to go through. Does 22% Damage; Takes 5% BP from User.?

Tier 3 (Ultimates)

*Big Bang Attack: Extending one hand outward, a small mass of ki is generated from the palm, and then propelled forward for a devastating effect. Does 37% Damage; Takes 15% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 3's Big Bang Kamehameha if you have Angry Kamehameha

*Big Bang Kamehameha: The Big Bang Kamehameha is a truly powerful attack, one of the strongest among the 'charged beam' variety, if not THE strongest. An attack of this magnitude, driven by its power of both Super Kamehameha and Big Bang attack, will level any opponent that stands in its way. Does 42% Damage; Takes 20% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier X's 100x Big Bang Kamehameha

Body Change: In this attack, the user is ab;e to switch bodies with another person. Both users retain their memory and voice that??s accustomed to them, but gain the power and strength of their new body; except for transformations ?C If you body change a Saiyajin in his normal level, you cannot use their Super Saiyajin levels. Instead, Body Change while they are in the form. Quite literally, you project your soul through a beam of Ki that must make contact with the opponent. Takes 25% BP from User.

Burning Attack: To perform the attack, the user does a certain system of hand movements, and then ends it by making a spade with his fingers in which the user aims at his opponent before a Ki Ball shoots out his palms. Does 35% Damage; Takes 13% BP from User.

Burning Slash: The user requires a edged weapon in which is used at extreme speed to cut their opponent numerous ways, after the weapon is pulled back the user extends his hand foward to send a large Ki beam which will destroy remaining pieces of the opponent. {Requires Bladed Weapon} Does 33% Damage; Takes 12% BP from User.

Charging Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball: Use the power of the Galatic Donuts to turn the enemy into a living, glowing volleyball that explodes on contact with the ground. Have a little fun with 'em before they escape it. Takes 18% BP from User to bind Opponent for 1 turn.

Chocolate Beam: Changeling magical attack that transforms the opponent into chocolate, though stronger enemies may still fight under this condition. Be careful. Takes 16% BP from User.

*Death Ball: The user charges a large ball of energy and then throws it at whatever he/she wants to destroy, upon contact with a planets core the planet will sustain massive damage and detonate within a certain amount of time depending on how long the blast was charged for. Does 40% Damage; Takes 18% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier 3's Electric Hell Sphere, Tier X's Death Ball(100%) and Tier X's Revenge Death Ball

Dimension Sword: Conjure up extra dimensional energy into your bladed weapon, and then swing it to fire a dimensional beam capable of cutting through even the strongest materials. (Bladed weapon needed) Does 35% Damage; Takes 14% BP from User.

Dragon Fist: By using the power of the Eternal Dragon himself the user can unleash a raging blast of energy from his fist which will take the shape of a gold Dragon and destroy his opponent, though it takes a severe amount of energy to use if the blow were to connect it will almost certainly destroy the victim. Does 45% Damage; Takes 22% BP from User.

**Electric Hell Sphere (Shocking Death Ball): Summon forth a death ball-like attack with both arms held out in front of you, and then imbue it with the shocking power of lightening before hurling it at the opponent. Does 39% Damage; Takes 17% BP from User.

*Final Flash: Final Flash requires that one would elongate his arms to their full wing span. With all digits stretched, he'd chant "Final Flash" as two spherical masses of Ki manifested within both hands. He would then draw both hands together and thrust them forward; forming the ki together as one. Does 40% Damage; Takes 20% BP from User.
--- Can be upgraded to
Tier X's Final Shine or Tier X's Final Kamehameha (If you have Angry Kamehameha)

Riot Javelin: An attack which is created by focusing a large amount of Ki upon the users hand, a sphere is then tossed by the user at the opponent. The size and strength of the blast is determined by the amount of Ki that is gathered. Does 38% Damage; Takes 17% BP from User.

Galactic Buster: Another move whose ki-gathering technique resembles Final Flash, but the two balls of Ki are thrown toward the enemy and become one, moments before hitting. Does 37% Damage; Take 18% BP from User.

**Hellzone Grenade: This involves the attacker firing many Ki Spheres at their opponent which are made easy to avoid on purpose. The attacker makes these Spheres then wait behind the opponent, making sure the opponent is surrounded. With their opponent trapped the attacker makes the Spheres converge on their opponent causing mass damage. Does 40% Damage; Takes 19% BP from User.

Imprisonment Ball: First this technique locks the opponent in a paralyzing ball of light. This ball explodes upon contact with the ground. Does 41% Damage; Takes 18% BP from User.

*Instant Kamehameha: A very useful, yet taxing attack. While charging up a Kamehahema, focus on the opponent with the ability Instant Transmission in mind. Once ready to launch Kamehameha, the user would teleport behind the opponent with Instant Transmission, giving him quite the wild ride as Kamehameha envelopes him from behind. Does 42% Damage; Takes 22% BP from User.
Can be upgraded to?
Tier X's Delayed Kamehameha

Kamehameha 10x: A stronger Kamehameha. Does 45% Damage; Takes 23% BP from User.
Can be upgraded to
Tier X's Kamehameha 100x

Ki Sword: The user points their middle finger and index finger torwards their opponent and conjurs ki in a beam-like sword which would peirce their opponent straight through. Does 43% Damage; Takes 19% BP from User.

Nova Dome ( Heat Dome Attack ): A finisher move, if there's ever been one. Using any method to suspend the enemy in the air works wonders, although this attack can be launched many ways. The best is straight above you. Focusing your Ki, a nimbus (Halo) of Ki surrounds your arms as they're elongated straight up. It quickly disperses, turning into an encompassing sphere of Ki that remains separate from the Ki beam that is being fired from your hands simultaneously. The longer the beam goes, the smaller the encompassing sphere becomes around you until it fades away. Does 44% Damage; Takes 21% BP from User.

*Spirit Bomb: This is a very powerful technique that requires a completely pure character to learn. The extent of your purity will be decided with your role-plays and fights. Any sort of behavior that would be considered selfish, evil, or malignant will automatically conclude you as someone who is not pure. Consequently, you will not be able to learn the technique. The user holds both hands up in the air, arms completely elongated as should be the user's fingers. He/she would then concentrate to take the life force from his surroundings. After concentrating the amount of energy the user will want, he would thrust his hands forward; emanating a very potent, destructive mass of energy. If this is shot at another pure entity, that entity can reflect the bomb back, though they will sustain half damage. Does 50% Damage; Takes 25% BP from User. Must have trained with King Kai to obtain.
Can be upgraded to
Tier X's Universal Spirit Bomb

S.S. Deadly Bomb: It?s a largish, red energy ball. Does 35% Damage; Takes 18% BP from User.

**Super Hyper Tornado: Creates a tornado around you, and then brings it down on the opponent. The tornado then throws the opponent around and round, as the strong winds cut them over and over. Does 37% Damage; Takes 15% BP from User.

**Super Kamehameha: An upgraded Kamehameha, holding much more power while also making it more taxing to the body. Does 44% Damage; Takes 19% BP from User.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack!!: Summon forth four ghostly replicas of yourself that'll chase the opponent and blow themselves up. At lower BP, it becomes harder to control. Does 40% Damage; Takes 15% BP from User.

**Shin Gekiretsu Shin'ou'hou: The ultimate form of the Gekiretsu Shin'ou'hou, which has an exponentially increased power output. Does 39% Damage; Takes 17% BP from User.

Time Freeze: The ability to stop time for a turn by holding your breath. Takes 20% BP from User.

**Tri-Beam Cannon: A powerful attack performed by placing the hands in a triangle shape aiming at the opponent and shooting out a square-shaped blast from this. The attack is so powerful that it will drain the user's life force to use it. The attack can be used for as many times as the users body can sustain. Does 40% Damage; Takes 20% BP from User.

Thunder Flash: Clenching your fists together and bringing them in front of you, right next to each other, manipulate your Ki and thrust it forward in the form of a highly potent ki-mist that closely resembles thousands of embers from a fire. Does 38% Damage; Takes 19% BP from User.

Tier X (Exemplary Techniques)

**100x's Big Bang Kamehameha: The final version of the Big Bang Kamehameha wave. Does 65% Damage; Takes 35% BP from User.

**Delayed Kamehameha: The most complex of the Kamehameha technique that involves launching an invisible Kamehameha wave whose damage is inflicted a turn later after the attack has been used. Does 60% Damage; Takes 30% BP from User.

Dead Zone: Summon a portal into the Dead Zone, the eternal prison of the damned; a world all of its own. Only able to use at 5000 BP; if you survive for five turns, the enemy will be sucked up and considered dead. Instantly kills opponent; can only be attempted once.

**Death Ball (100%): Just a stronger version of the Death Ball above. Does 58% Damage; Takes 29% BP from User.

Final Explosion: Tapping into the very core of your power, yet keeping it suppressed so no aura appears, the user's energy fluctuates violent within until it is released in a truly devastating display of power; a large dome of Ki bursts from the user, increasing in size so long as the users lives. The outcome of the attack though is the user's death, due to this attack using all of his/her energy. Does 75% Damage; Instantly kills User.

**Final Kamehameha: A brilliant combination of two powerful attacks; the Kamehameha and Final Flash. Does 65% Damage; Takes 35% BP from User.

**Final Shine: The Final Shine attack is the highest tier version of Final Flash, accumulating far more power into one hand rather than both. Does 60% Damage; Takes 30% BP from User.

Genocide Blast: Lifting your arm up into the air, violently launch potent masses of Ki that hunt down any surrounding life force; exterminating whatever they come in contact with until everything around is obliterated. Known as the Human Extermination Beam by one life form. Does 55% Damage; Takes 27% BP from User.?

**Kamehameha x100: The fully upgraded Kamehameha wave. Does 63% Damage; Takes 33% BP from User.

Negative Karma Blast: Feed off your opponent's darkest thoughts; their sins, their hate, even the slightest bit of negative will that they hold, even if it's just against you to manifest a massive sphere of Ki of a Negative Alignment. Does 50% Damage to Good guys; 65% to bad guys; Takes 30% BP from User.

Omega Blaster (Gigantic Meteor): In the palm of your hand, you'd summon forth a small mass of Ki, and then toss it forward; if met by the resistance of another Ki attack, it grows exponentially in both size and power; if the small Ki does in fact hit an opponent, its explosion expands to the maximum size of the Ki blast; depending on your power, this can leave a mile's distance of destruction. Does 70% Damage; Takes 40% BP from User.

**Revenge Death Ball: A solid black death ball that emanates a blue surge of sparking energy around it once formed. The most powerful form of the Death Ball to exist. Does 63% Damage; Takes 34% BP from User.

Stardust Breaker: An abnormal attack, taken from both Ki and quite literally energy siphoned from surrounding stars. Once formed over the lifted palm of the hand, its launched toward the enemy; entering the opponent and exploding violently through their back. Indeed a very power move. Does 68% Damage; Takes 36% BP from User.?

Super Nova: Conjure such a potent energy that it generates a heat almost rivaling half of the suns. This attack is almost an exact copy of the Death Ball, but is larger and has a wide explosion radius. Does 60% Damage; Takes 35% BP from User.

**Universal Spirit Bomb: Instead of gathering energy from the planet you're on, this version of Spirit Bomb siphons it from the planets residing in the specific galaxy your fighting ground rests upon. Not only that, but it may also reach into the very Heavens on occasion. Does 85% Damage; Takes 50% BP from User.

Vanishing Ball: A powerful attack that takes little time to summon. In fact, it takes as long as it does for you to lift your arm into the air to bring it forth at its fullest potential above your open palm. The Vanishing Ball is capable of destroying a planet, though many of the finishing moves are, making this one not so unique in its execution. Does 69% Damage; Takes 39% BP from User.?

Custom Attacks

It has become clear that some people would like to make custom attacks, so I decided to add this to the website just for more variety. In the beginning, you may only make one custom, Tier 1 attack. Something that only your character knows from the start. It's attack damage will almost always be stronger than most Tier 1 techniques because it'll be considered your signature technique.?

- Custom attacks do 14-16% damage. The Ki you use is from 6-8%. It goes like this 14% (You use 6%), 15% (You use 7%), or 16% (You use 8%). Custom damage increases by 2 percent for each transformation (or BP a character would get a transformation. In some cases, such as the Super Saiyan 1, Level 2, the percent only goes up by 1.).?

Note: It's possible, later, to teach others your signature attack, but it will be less potent than yours. Also, you don't HAVE to make a custom attack.?


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