Saturday, June 30, 2012

Necrosis after cortisone injections

Necrosis after cortisone injections [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Jun-2012
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Contact: Dr. Christian Holland
Deutsches Aerzteblatt International

Injections of corticoid preparations can have severe side effects. In this issue of Deutsches rzteblatt International, Christian Holland and coauthors contribute to physicians' awareness of problems of this type with a report on the relevant findings of medicolegal expert committees in Germany (Dtsch Arztebl Int 2012; 109[24]: 425-30.

One patient, for example, received multiple intramuscular injections of dexamethasone and diclofenac for the treatment of back pain. Six weeks after the last injection, 500 g of necrotic tissue had to be surgically removed from the site of the injections; a subsequent wound infection led to multiple further hospitalizations. The authors describe both aseptic and septic complications, including abscesses and purulent joint infections. When they affect the spine, such complications can cause weakness of varying degrees of severity, ranging all the way to para- or tetraplegia. Fatal sepsis can also occur.

From 2005 to 2009, the German medicolegal expert committees and arbitration panels dealt with 278 cases of complications after corticoid injections. Medical errors were found to have been committed in 40% of cases. Typical errors were faulty asepsis, treatment without indication, and injections that were too closely spaced in time or in excessive doses. Furthermore, whenever it is determined that a patient has not given legally valid informed consent for an injection, the physician is liable for any and all adverse consequences of the injection for the patient's health. By giving physician readers the appropriate knowledge base, the article is intended to help them avoid such difficult medicolegal situations.


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Necrosis after cortisone injections [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Jun-2012
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Contact: Dr. Christian Holland
Deutsches Aerzteblatt International

Injections of corticoid preparations can have severe side effects. In this issue of Deutsches rzteblatt International, Christian Holland and coauthors contribute to physicians' awareness of problems of this type with a report on the relevant findings of medicolegal expert committees in Germany (Dtsch Arztebl Int 2012; 109[24]: 425-30.

One patient, for example, received multiple intramuscular injections of dexamethasone and diclofenac for the treatment of back pain. Six weeks after the last injection, 500 g of necrotic tissue had to be surgically removed from the site of the injections; a subsequent wound infection led to multiple further hospitalizations. The authors describe both aseptic and septic complications, including abscesses and purulent joint infections. When they affect the spine, such complications can cause weakness of varying degrees of severity, ranging all the way to para- or tetraplegia. Fatal sepsis can also occur.

From 2005 to 2009, the German medicolegal expert committees and arbitration panels dealt with 278 cases of complications after corticoid injections. Medical errors were found to have been committed in 40% of cases. Typical errors were faulty asepsis, treatment without indication, and injections that were too closely spaced in time or in excessive doses. Furthermore, whenever it is determined that a patient has not given legally valid informed consent for an injection, the physician is liable for any and all adverse consequences of the injection for the patient's health. By giving physician readers the appropriate knowledge base, the article is intended to help them avoid such difficult medicolegal situations.


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Are creative business cards counter-productive? | Webdesigner Depot

Being a business owner,?entrepreneur?or even just a freelancer can sometimes have its slower moments. When things get a little dry or you want to really increase your business, you?ve got to do some networking.

Networking often leads to creating relationships. Making relationships with the right people almost always guarantees increases in business. See, even if you are just a freelance designer, I?m sure you can attest to the fact that the majority of your business has come from previous relationships or relationships that you cultivated.

Networking can be tough. If you?re anything like me, networking can be a little out of your comfort zone. But meeting someone face to face and explaining to them your benefits is something that cannot be avoided. Quite frankly, no one wants to work with someone they don?t know, let alone someone who they just looked up.

Creating relationships is?dependent?on first impressions. First impressions in networking often end up trickling down to a very important piece of the puzzle: the business card.

The purpose of business cards

The most important purpose of the business card is to inform. We?re talking about networking here: when you and the person you just met, leave each other, you?ve got to be able to give that person something to let them know how to contact you. It also has to let them know who you are. Your business card has to give them all your essential professional information as well as your contact information.

The business card is not and was never meant to be an alternative for those that lack the ability to network or those who just don?t ? dropping business cards somewhere is rarely effective. There are some business cards that have way too much information on them ? business cards are not resumes, portfolios or product catalogs. There are some business cards that don?t have enough information on them in an attempt to bait people into trying to find out more about them ? but if I have no clue who or what you are, I probably have no interest in you.

You want to have a business card that references who you are. All the extra stuff is completely secondary and should be added sparingly. Don?t try to fit all your recent work on your card, maybe just a couple. Don?t be too salesy on it, perhaps just have a coupon code or a special link to your web-shop. But never ever take away the essentials.

Heavy on the creativity?

Yes, everyone has a business card. Yes, there are a bunch of them that look alike and it?s hard knowing you?re handing your business card to a person that receives tons weekly or even daily. Yes, you want yours to stand out amongst them all.

The problem here is it might be getting out of hand. Piling creative ideas on top of creative ideas on a 3.5 x 2 inch card is a bit much?even if you do change the dimensions. I mean, let?s keep in mind we?ve got to have the essentials. But it?s no longer uncommon for folks to want to make their business card useful or use some other sort of material or just make it super decorative. Should we really be doing this?

The super-creative business card is fun to see. We in the design community eat up these business card inspiration posts. But are we really thinking about if it?s performing its purpose? There are many business cards out there transform into something people can use. That?s a really neat idea, but if it?s too useful, then it could lose its informing abilities. If I?m too busy using it, I might not be all that interested in what?s on it, especially if the two have nothing to do with each other. Sometimes we use different materials and different shapes and do all round different (yet creative) things to our business cards, but if it?s too creative and not even useful, will people hold on to, or even remember it?

Some examples

It?s tough as a designer to want to say something that may be way too creative. The business card has been in use for as long as I can remember ? why try to reinvent the wheel on something that?s not even broken? Why not just make something in between great creativity and usefulness? I understand many designers want to be remembered and leave an impression, but if we overdo things then it can be seen as counterproductive. Here, take a look at what I mean:

Asthma Allergy Centre

While this idea is extremely clever (without good lung health, you can?t blow the balloon), it just feels like a gimmick, it isn?t really all that useful. People like to store cards in their wallet; that?s a little hard here. Wouldn?t those with weaker lungs need this information more? Clever and cute idea, the longevity is in question however.

Choko La

Mmmm?chocolate. But when I unwrap my chocolate, I typically dispose of my wrapper. Not a bad idea, but the real gem here is the chocolate, the contact information happens to be secondary.

Gitam BBDO

Another great idea, but again, after usage the package just becomes trash. Not to mention this company has nothing to do with spices ? that can get a bit confusing.

Murmure Communication and Design

This is a concrete business card. While there is a much deeper meaning here (I believe hidden in the embossing and typography) I think this is one of those ideas that is a bit too deep and too novel. It?s made out of concrete.

Department of Energy

Beforehand, I will go ahead and concede that the target market for this business card is probably not graphic designers. If it were, it?d totally go over our heads. It?s clever, because it?s the Department of Energy, so they took what looks like some wire and stamped their info on it. It?s not that great because it?s extremely small and relatively useless.

Dog coach

So, after the dog eats the treat, what?s the best way to contact him (especially if you are extremely forgetful)?

Environmental consultant

Recycling is something everyone should do ? being eco-friendly helps all of us in the long run. Stamping your information on what seems to be trash just doesn?t seem like the best way to do things. I get that the person is being eco-friendly and taking it to the extreme, but many printers have 100% recycled paper. Maybe it?s just me, but I don?t keep a ton of my receipts?or spare cardboard.

Head 2 Head shop

Some of us may not understand the usability of this business card, but I?m not afraid to say I do. This is an example of making your business card usable without having to sacrifice anything, as just half the card can be used as a filter. Next you just have to remember what you did with the card?

Electronic business card

Unfortunately, I am unsure of what happens when you push the button, but that does not change my skepticism. What happens when it just flat out doesn?t work?

Mr. Lube

This is clever because it reminds you of the oil light on your car?s dashboard. This is another creative business card that doesn?t have to sacrifice a lot in order to get its point across.

Ninja BTL

The unusual shape makes this an extremely creative and standout business card, and it also makes a bunch of sense. My only issue and concern here, again is storage. I can?t fit this into a wallet and it won?t fare to well in a purse. Cool, nonetheless.

Paint & CIA

These magnetic business cards can attach to your car and help a lil? nick in your paint job. This is probably one of the most genuinely useful business cards I?ve ever seen. It?s not stellar that you have to turn the card around to use the useful part, but this is extremely clever nonetheless.

Personal trainer

Folks really have great ideas when it comes to designing and creating business cards. This is another clever idea for a personal trainer, you have to stretch it open to use it. But much like the previous balloon business card, it seems counter productive and targeting the wrong group.

Mondo do Condominio

They sell cleaning products, so of course, it makes sense to put their information on a sponge. It?s cute and they are small enough to fit in a wallet. I just hope the information stays on if someone decides to actually use them.

Tamiya Shop Direct

Basically, you?re supposed to pop off the contact information and use it to make little figurines. Another, extremely cute idea that ends up sacrificing pretty much everything for the sake of creativity. However, the idea is so cool, I?d probably look them up after building.


Creativity is that thing that makes designers different from one another. It?s a personal perspective that shines differently through each person. Too much creativity does not sound like a problem, but if you have too much of what makes sense to you, it may not make sense to someone else. Keeping things simpler does not mean you have to approach the problem without any creativity, it just means you want to create something that is widely acceptable and understood. On top of that, you don?t want to go around sacrificing your contact information just to have a super creative business card.

Business cards are tough because everyone has one and of course you want yours to stand out. But let?s be honest, if your?personality?and presentation stand out, the need for a business card is sometimes irrelevant. I?ve known designers and business people who can get clients just based on their personality or other work they?ve done. Business cards are nice, but focus on the essentials, on creating relationships and giving out useful information, not just making the most super-creative business card you?ve seen.

Then again, it could all be a trick just to get your business card, and by extension your name, on as many websites as possible. Touch?.

Kendra Gaines is a freelance designer from Virginia, USA.?Connect with her.

What?s your take on super creative business cards? Are you with keeping it simple or are you trying to go to the next realm?


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Joho the Blog ? [aspen] Robert Putnam on the growing class gap

Robert Putnam is giving a talk at the Aspen Ideas Festival called ?Requiem for the American Dream? Unequal Opportunity in America.? It?s a project in its middle stages, he says. If a book comes out of the research, it?s a year or two out.

NOTE: Live-blogging. Getting things wrong. Missing points. Omitting key information. Introducing artificial choppiness. Over-emphasizing small matters. Paraphrasing badly. Not running a spellpchecker. Mangling other people?s ideas and words. You are warned, people.

There?s a difference between the inequality of income and wealth, and inequality of opportunity. Historically Americans have not cared much about income inequality?less than is typical of the rest of the world. But we do care about unequal opportunity and unequal social mobility. Concern about income inequality has sometimes divided along party lines, but not opportunity inequality. Historically we?ve been better than most other countries in the distribution of opportunity.

Income distribution has become more skewed since the 1970s in America, and in many other countries. We?ve also become a more class-segregated society, even as we?ve become less segregated by race and religion. Class segregation is increasing by residence, education, organization, and marriage; i.e., it?s less likely you?ll marry outside of your class. There?s also been a fraying of family and social bonds within the working class. Robert asks if this has an effect on the growing inequality of opportunity.

He talks about his methodology. The standard way of measuring social mobility compares 30-somethings? economic/educational/social standing with their parents? standing when the parents were in their 30s. But this means all the action is at least twenty years old; the latest studies look at people raised in the 1980s. Robert is instead looking at today?s kids, to avoid the 20-30 year old blind spot in the rearview mirror. ?If we look out the windshield, we?re about to go over a cliff when it comes to social mobility?Social mobility and opportunity are going to plummet.?

If something is important enough to write about, it ought to show up in multiple measures, he says. He will show us robust patterns in multiple data sources, focusing only on class differences. He?s only looking at white youth for now, because while racial gaps remain important, they are increasingly based on class, not race. It?s important to look at race issues, but that?s not what Robert is considering. He says if you look at race as well, the social mobility trends look even worse. So, he?s going to show us growing class gaps over the past 30 years among white kids with 2-parent families.

He shows charts. The rate of births to unmarried mothers who are college grads hasn?t changed. But the percentage of those births to women with some college and women with no college has significantly increased. About a third of the births to unmarried women are to women with some college; it?s about half for women with no college. Meanwhile, the racial gap (i.e., race controlling for class) fell dramatically while the class gap (class controlling for race) grew at about the same rate. I.e., high school educated white folks are behaving more and more like high school educated non-white folks. ?I?m not saying race doesn?t matter. I?m saying class matters a whole lot more. And race matters a whole lot less.?

Another chart. ? Over the last two decades or so, white kids coming from less educated, less well-off backgrounds are more and more going through life with only one parent at home.?

A chart of the ?growing class gap in enrichment expenditures [day care, tutors, games, etc., but not private school] on children, 1972-2006.? At the bottom of the hierarchy, the expenditure has increased about $400 per child over the past 40 years, but at the middle income, it?s gone up $5K.

The time people invest in their kids ? reading to the kids, etc., but not including diaper changing time, etc. ? again shows a growth gap between those with a higher ed and those without. In the 1970s, moms with only HS were investing slightly more time with their kids. Now the number of minutes for both is going up, the growth has been ?much much faster? among college educated moms. When you add in the dads, the gap grows even larger ? it?s up to an hour a day more quality time with their parents.

When in the lifecycle of the child is the class gap biggest? It?s concentrated among infants. ?It?s terrible. Just terrible.?

How are kids connecting at schools? Looking at participation in extracurricular activities, and activities outside school like music lessons, dance lessons, art lessons, etc., excluding sports. (This is, he reminds us, only data about white kids, but the class gap gets worse if you add in non-white kids.) Kids in the lower income quartile have declining participation rates. Those in the highest quartile have a growing rate. (The decline began sharply in 1982.)

Same chart for participation in sports. For kids becoming team captains, it?s stayed steady for the lower quartile kids. Middle class kids were always more likely to become team captains, but now 26% of them say that they?ve been team captains. ?Think about what kids are learning? from these activities: how to get along with kids, how to make connections with people who are not like them? the skill set we need in this new world. (Robert tells us HS football was invented by progressives about 100 years ago as a way to get kids from all classes playing together.)

Outside school in music, dance and art lessons: same growing gap.

There is a declining gap in participation in student government. But that?s happening in part because upper quartile kids are choosing not to participate. The other area in which the gap is declining is in ?vocational clubs,? e.g., shop, motorcycle club. Again, the upper class kids are declining to participate.

Church-going: All are decreasing, but the upper third is decreasing much less rapidly. ?There?s been a catastrophic drop in church attendance among children of working class parents.?

The chart of comunity volunteering is more complex, but overall the upper tercile has been rapidly increasing, while the bottom tercile has been dopping in the 2000?s. One possible explanation: Robert points out that colleges like to see community volunteering on applications.

Chart of social support: Do you have someone you can count on? Sharply increasing gap. Working class kids: it?s been pretty flat. Ask ?Would you say most people can be trusted?? and you?ll see a long-term decline among the kids of parents in the bottom tercile, while the upper tercile kids have become more trusting. ?And why not?? The upper class kids have plenty of social support, while the support systems are being withdrawn from the bottom tercile kids.

All this shows up in reading and math test scores. Increasing gap mapped against class. Declining gap mapped against race.

Bottom line: ?There?s a growing class gap among American youth among all the predictors of success in life.? ?A social mobility crash is coming? as these cohorts move into adulthood. Everyone who?s looked at the data agrees, he says.

But what has this happened? We don?t know for sure. About ten years ago he was in the White House talking with Pres. Bush, Karl Rove, and others, talking about this. (He charmingly apologizes for namedropping.) The first question W asked was ?How much of this has do to family structure?? A: A little less than half. Even if you look only at 2-parent families, the gap is there but only about half of the size. None of it is due to immigration. But, suggested Robert, it might be due to the income gap. Then Laura Bush said ?If you don?t know how long you?re going to keep your house or your job, you have less energy to invest in your kids.? Robert thinks this makes sense.

Possible explanations: (1) Upper class families have increased their investment in cognitive and non-cognitive development. (2) Collapse of white working class. (3) Laura Bush?s hypothesis. (4) The social safety nets are gone: churches, sports leagues, parks and rec, etc. ?If the chick falls out of the nest, all that?s down there are gangs.? It is, he says, a perfect storm.

This is a problem that the two parties should be able to cooperate on, if they could cooperate about anything. We need to boost caring families, boost jobs and wages for the bottom half of the workforce, invest in public education, invest in in high quality Head Start, and have more reliable volunteer mentors. ?I don?t know what else we can do to fix the problem?but if we don?t fix it we?re writing off a third of our workforce. And, it?s just not fair.? Until we think of all of these kids as our kids, ?we?re in a pickle.?


Q: Any data on kids of parents in the military?

A: I don?t have data. I wish I did because enlisted men and women are mostly drawn from the lower class, and my hunch is that their kids are doing better than non-military kids. I think that the discipline instilled into the military maybe carries over into the structure of the families.

Q: I teach HS in a rural area of OR. We got multicultural sensitivity training. I asked why aren?t we talking about class because I see it every day. I hope your work translates into teacher training.

A: Surprisingly to me, when I talk to groups, almost always when elementary school teachers speak up, they say they see this problem in their own class.

Q: Harrington, NSF, others have said the same thing over the years. This is the fourth time I?ve seen the same red flag. How does this translate into policy?

A: This particular growing gap wasn?t true in Harrington?s day. There?s always been a class gap in American society but it?s way worse than in the ?60s. I?m working on a book aimed at a mass market. We?re gathering the stories of these kids. I?m hoping that if you talk about real kids, it will get people?s attention. I desperately fear we?re going to have a partisan argument about who?s to blame, and I don?t care about that.

Q: Some will argue about the cost.

A: It?ll be much more expensive not to fix this. These lower third kids will be on unemployment and in prison?.

Q: College admissions could be fixed?

A: Most of the damage is done way before then.

Q: The social safety net is under constant resource. We need govt policy and money. Our churches and philanthropies are not enough.

A: I?m a progressive Democrat so I think govt has a role to play. But this is a fundamental American issue. It does have to involve churches. I happen to think that hugs and time are more important than money, but money is important too.


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Friday, June 29, 2012

GOP wins contempt fight, but legal dispute looms

by LARRY MARGASAK Associated Press Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Republicans have won a historic political fight to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, but the GOP likely is still a long way from obtaining documents it wants in an investigation of a bungled gun-tracking operation.

The road leading to a possible lawsuit by the House was filled with emotion Thursday. More than 100 Democrats walked up an aisle and out of the chamber to boycott the first of two contempt votes, saying Republicans were more interested in shameful election-year politics than documents.

Republicans demanded the documents for an ongoing investigation, but their arguments focused more on the need for closure for the family of slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Two guns from the gun-tracking operation called Fast and Furious were found near his body after a shootout in Arizona.

Democrats promised closure as well, but said a less-partisan Republican investigation - not contempt resolutions - was the only way to get it.

Adding to the emotion of the day, the family of the slain agent issued a statement backing the Republicans.

"The Terry family takes no pleasure in the contempt vote against Attorney General Eric Holder. Such a vote should not have been necessary. The Justice Department should have released the documents related to Fast and Furious months ago," the statement said.

It all happened on the day that President Barack Obama's health care law survived in the Supreme Court, prompting some Democrats to speculate that the votes were scheduled to be overwhelmed by news stories about the ruling.

About five hours after the court ruled, with news sites flooded with information about the health care ruling, the House voted 255-67 to declare Holder in criminal contempt - an action that could lead to criminal prosecution but probably won't.

The matter goes to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, who works under Holder.

In previous contempt cases, federal prosecutors in the nation's capital have refused to act on congressional contempt citations against members of their own administration.

A second vote of 258-95 held Holder in civil contempt and allows the House to bring a civil lawsuit in an effort to force him to turn over the documents.

In past cases, courts have been reluctant to settle disputes between the executive and legislative branches of government.

The issue became more complicated when Obama invoked a broad form of executive privilege, a legal position that is designed to keep private certain communications of executive branch agencies.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which is conducting the investigation and subpoenaed the documents, will consult with the House counsel's office about a court challenge to the administration's decision not to cooperate, committee spokesman Frederick Hill said.

Thursday's debate was about Justice Department documents written after Fast and Furious was shut down. The subpoena covered a 10-month period from February 2011, when the Justice Department denied that guns purchased in the U.S. were allowed to "walk" across the border into Mexico, to early December 2011 when the department acknowledged the earlier assertion was in error.

Republicans said the contempt citations were necessary because Holder refused to hand over - without any preconditions - documents that could explain why the Obama administration took 10 months to come clean about gun-walking. The operation identified more than 2,000 illicitly purchased weapons. Some 1,400 of them have yet to be recovered in the failed strategy to track the weapons to gun-running rings.

African-American lawmakers led Thursday's walkout in support of Holder, the nation's first black attorney general. Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi, who joined them, protested that Republicans had gone "over the edge" in their partisanship.

Seventeen Democrats voted with Republicans in favor of the criminal contempt resolution, while two Republicans - Reps. Scott Rigell of Virginia and Steven LaTourette of Ohio - joined other Democrats in voting against it.

Twenty-one Democrats supported the Republicans in the civil contempt vote, but all the votes against the resolution came from Democrats.

The National Rifle Association pressed hard for the contempt resolutions, leaning on members of both parties who want to stay in the NRA's good graces.

Andrew Arulanandam, an NRA spokesman, said all 17 Democrats who voted for criminal contempt had previously received an "A" grade from the organization.

Holder said afterward that the vote was merely a politically motivated act in an election year

"Today's vote may make for good political theater in the minds of some, but it is - at base - both a crass effort and a grave disservice to the American people. They expect - and they deserve - far better," Holder said in New Orleans.

The NRA contended the administration wanted to use Operation Fast and Furious to win gun control measures. Democrats who normally support the NRA but who voted against the contempt citations would lose any 100 percent ratings from the group.


Associated Press writer Michael Kunzelman in New Orleans contributed to this report.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.


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Iraq attacks kill 14, wound dozens

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5 Things I Was Never Told About Pregnancy ? Live, Love, Leslie

by L.J. Acker & filed under My Life, Parenthood.

I am four months pregnant with my first child. I?m one of four children and I have a huge family with dozens of cousins. Yet, somehow, in the midst of breeding rabbits I was never told some mysterious and ugly things about pregnancy. Here?s my list so far. I may follow up with more things as my pregnancy progresses.

1. Heightened Sense of Smell

The first thing that I noticed was my increased sense of smell. One would think, ?Oh yes, this would be nice to have so I can experience flavors and scents in all of their glory!? No. This is not what happens. What happened to me is that every unpleasant smell is magnified 10 times making it horrible, unbearable, and vomit worthy.

For example, I would be on the other side of the house and I could smell in the kitchen my husband, Mr J, pouring hot water onto dog food for our 15 year old dog so that she could better chew her chow. The second I smelled this ungodly concoction, I would jump up and down insisting he remove it from my presence immediately. Our poor aging pup, Peaches, had been banished to the front porch to eat her hot meal. Even with the door closed, I could smell the food, so we just stopped that and opted to buy soft food instead.

2. Bathroom Troubles

Perhaps, for good reason, I had never been told of this otherwise disgusting subject by my pregnant friends and family. One day, I found myself sitting on the commode, praying for relief, and then the next day I?m hoping that whatever goes in doesn?t splash violently back up. There isn?t enough fiber in the world to help what you?ve got going on in your bowels. Pregnancy pushes a gal into playing bowel movement roulette and I?m hoping I don?t lose the gamble for the day.

3. Emotional Roller Coaster Ride

I?m a pretty emotionally stable person. I usually opt for the sunny side of life and I like to think that I deal with life?s ups and downs with grace and poise. However, with pregnancy, I have discovered a whole new side of myself that can go from the Incredible Hulk type rage to Whinny The Pooh type softness.

In the car the other day, I was going along flipping through radio stations. I landed on a French commercial that just grated my nerves. I couldn?t stand the sound of the guy?s voice, which got me into ranting about how horrible French commercials are because of this strange breathy way they speak. Normally, I would never care to notice, nor comment, but this commercial just got me going from zero to sixty on the irritated scale with a rant on French commercial culture. No sooner than five minutes later, I hear Outkast?s ?Hey Ya!? on the radio and I?m tearing up, thinking of all the wonderful memories I had in college and with my friends at university.

4. Extreme Hunger and Cravings

Well, I had heard about cravings, like pickles and ice cream at two in the morning. My mom had pica during her pregnancy with my twin set of brothers. I didn?t realize that this hunger is a type of hunger I?ve never felt before. This type of hunger is specific. It?s like a ?If I don?t get something to eat right now ? and not just anything mind you, the most complicated, difficult thing to find right now ? then I was destroy a Japanese city like Godzilla!?

I remember I had to have Mexican food, but not just any Mexican food; a specific type of dish, with guacamole made just right, with spices that came from Mexico itself. We live in the French alps. Finding Mexican food isn?t nearly as simple as finding a taco joint in San Diego. I was beside myself with tears because I just had to have a fajita made just so or it would be the end of me and all humanity. Mr J, the fast actor, googled a Mexican restaurant in a neighboring village, got me in the car, and eating fajitas in record time. Let?s just say, he?s become an expert in food crisis management.

5. Slug Mode

I?m an active person. Reading, writing, working, managing my home and family. It?s all very natural for me to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Then, it seemed out of nowhere that there were days that my body was saying with a horrible sense of what felt like a hangover without any of the fun the night before, ?Hold it right there! You?re on house arrest!? I?ve heard family and friends say, ?Take it easy.? But I thought they meant, don?t go 100 miles an hour, instead go 50 miles an hour. I found myself going nowhere fast thanks to the nausea.

Just walking my dogs around the neighborhood was out of the question. Sitting at my work desk was an unsurmountable task. Even thinking about nothing was just too much work for me. So, there were days when I found myself on the lounger watching movies I?ve seen 50 times before. All I could muster was a shower, a change of clothes, and meals. I?d like to think my days are getting better and better, but I still find myself randomly crawling into bed in the middle of the afternoon to gather my strength to finish the day.


Tags: humor, parenting, pregnancy


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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Vuugo Tip: How To Choose Parts For Your Gaming PC | Vuugo ...


A gaming computer, also known as a gaming pc, is a personal computer that is capable of playing computationally and graphically demanding video games. They are very similar to conventional computers with the exception that these machines are fitted with performance-oriented video cards and other hardware. These type of computers can be easily bought in the market but at a much higher price compared to the conventional computers. Since most gamers are both cost and performance conscious, most of them opt to build their own gaming computer rather than buying a built-in gaming computer.

Building your own custom gaming computer simply means you buy all your computer components separately and piece them up together to build your gaming pc. With this method you can achieve a fast and cost-effective gaming computer suited to your own gaming needs. Besides saving a lot of money and having an efficient machine, building your own gaming computer can also be a lot of fun.

How to choose your components?

Perhaps the biggest challenge one can face when building their own gaming computer is choosing the right components for your needs. So without further ado, here is a simple guide in order to help you in building your own gaming computer.

1. Central processing unit (cpu)

The central processing unit (cpu) is one of the most important core components in all computer systems. The cpu is a portion in the system that carries out the instructions of a computer program. In simple terms it could be described as the brains of the computer. The performance of your games and other applications will depend on this microprocessor.

Choosing the best central processing unit (cpu) for your gaming computer can be a hard decision to make. Picking the latest, fastest, or most expensive processor on the market won?t always result in the right cpu for your particular system. Some processors are designed to work with a certain or specific motherboards, thus the cpu type limits the motherboard type you can use.

For a gaming computer, you will really need a powerful cpu for it to performing superbly. Luckily these cpus are supplied by intel and amd (advanced micro devices) at an affordable price.

Intel has the core i7 and core i5 processor models. Currently these models are the most popular ones used for gaming purposes, which are mostly recommended for gaming computers.

Amd, on the other hand, has the athlon and phenom series. If you want to go amd, you can try the most recommended phenom ?4 series.

2. Motherboard

The motherboard is the hub of the computer system. It is where all other components are connected to. If we consider the cpu as the brain of the computer system, then the motherboard is the central nervous system. Thus buying the best motherboard is a good investment.

After choosing your cpu, next you need to consider choosing your motherboard for your gaming computer. When selecting a motherboard, you should remember three things.

First, a motherboard will generally support one type of processor only. Different cpus have different connectors that physically vary with one another, make sure that your cpu plug is suitable to your mother board connector.

Second, motherboards have a certain speed limitation depending on the processor model. Maximum processor speed allowed by the motherboard will be quoted in the motherboard specifications. Before buying, check whether your selected motherboard can support your chosen cpu.

Third, motherboards are the ones who can dictate the type and amount of ram you can have. In a gaming computer, you would want to have either ddr sdram or rdram which is at least 1g worth. So ensure that your motherboard can support this type and amount of memory.

Here are some examples of well-known motherboards manufacturers where you can browse for your perfect gaming motherboard: Asus, Abit, Msi, Xf?, Evga, Intel, and Gigabyte.

3. Hard drive

The hard drive is the computer component responsible for storing your files and programs. When buying a hard drive for your gaming computer, consider these three main features: speed, size, and the type of interface.

[Speed] basically the faster the hard drive spins the fast you are able to access and transfer your data. Currently, the best hard drives in the market these days can have a speed around 7200rpm (rounds per minute). In a gaming computer, you don?t want anything less than this; else it will cause delays between reading and writing data.

Faster hard drives that reach speeds of 10,000rpm and 15,000rpm are available in the market at a higher price. For your gaming computer, a 7200rpm hard drive is already enough for but if you can shell out more money, then you can opt for these faster hard drives.

[Size] hard drives come in different sizes, which can range from 80 GB to 500gb and more. for your gaming computer, it is always recommended that you purchase the largest hard drive you can afford. This will allow you to store lots and lots of software and data (including games).

[Interface] the interface of the hard drive is responsible for managing the exchange of data between a computer and the hard drive. currently, the most commonly used hard drive interface used today is advanced technology attachment (ata); which comes in two forms, the original parallel ata (pata) and the newer and faster serial ata (sata).

There?s also the expensive small computer system interface (scsi) which are used primarily for high-end workstation computer. For you gaming computer, it is sufficient enough to have sata if your motherboard can support it.

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PSA: PS3 firmware update landing today

PSA PS3 firmware update landing todaySony's third-generation console is primed for new firmware, set to arrive later today and looks to be a largely audio-based refresh. Version 4.20 improves support for Sony's own PlayStation 3 Wireless Stereo Headset, which had some teething troubles with the last update. You can now turn off the option to hear your own voice ringing through your head, or pick from five different volume levels. There's also a new option to add virtual surround sound to the pair of ear-warmers, as well adjustments to how long the whole system will run before shutting itself down, and the ability to save files in bulk. Hit up the official source for the full update rundown.

PSA: PS3 firmware update landing today originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 26 Jun 2012 06:31:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Turkey jet crisis unlikely to pull NATO into Syria

In this photo released by the Turkish Presidency Press Office, Turkish President Abdullah Gul, right, shakes hands with Gen. Mehmet Erten, Commander of the Turkish Air Force, in Istanbul Turkey, Monday, June 25, 2012. Upon Turkey's request, NATO will hold a meeting Tuesday in Brussels over article 4 of its charter concerning Friday's incident, when a Turkish warplane was shot down by Syria. (AP Photo/Mustafa Oztartan, Turkish Presidency Press Office, HO)

In this photo released by the Turkish Presidency Press Office, Turkish President Abdullah Gul, right, shakes hands with Gen. Mehmet Erten, Commander of the Turkish Air Force, in Istanbul Turkey, Monday, June 25, 2012. Upon Turkey's request, NATO will hold a meeting Tuesday in Brussels over article 4 of its charter concerning Friday's incident, when a Turkish warplane was shot down by Syria. (AP Photo/Mustafa Oztartan, Turkish Presidency Press Office, HO)

(AP) ? Syria's downing of a Turkish military jet has the feel of a turning point that could drag Western powers into a conflict that is spiraling out of control.

Turkey said Monday it would push NATO to consider Syria's downing of the RF-4E reconnaissance jet as an attack on the whole military alliance, and added that Syria also had shot at a Turkish search-and-rescue plane shortly after the jet was downed Friday. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has vowed to hold Syria to account, while Britain's foreign minister said Damascus won't be allowed to act with impunity.

But for all the hard talk, the prospect of Western military intervention in Syria remains remote, at best.

For one thing, military action is unlikely to get the support of either the U.N. Security Council or the Arab League, and outside intervention without the blessing of both of those bodies is all but unthinkable. And there is little appetite among the 28 NATO countries ? of which the U.S. is the largest ? for another war in the Middle East.

Libya was hard enough, and for a many nervous months it looked as if that conflict might end in an embarrassing stalemate for the West. And Syria would be tougher than Libya. Syrian President Bashar Assad's army is better equipped, better trained, better paid and far more loyal than was that of late Libyan leader Moammar Gaddhafi.

So for the moment, despite the increasing violence and the staggering number of deaths, action by the international community seems to be limited to sanctions and strong words.

And so it was on Monday, when foreign ministers from the 27 European Union countries condemned Syria's downing Friday of a Turkish jet, but said the bloc would not support military action in the troubled country.

"What happened is to be considered very seriously," said Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal. Having gotten his denunciation out of the way, he let the other shoe drop: "We do not go for any interventions."

Turkish officials have acknowledged that the jet mistakenly strayed into Syrian airspace, but was warned to leave by Turkish authorities and was a mile (1.6 kilometers) inside international airspace when Syria shot it down. The Turkish pilots are still missing.

Turkey initially called a meeting of the North Atlantic Council, NATO's governing body, on Tuesday to discuss the incident under Article 4 of NATO's founding treaty, which allows a NATO ally to request such a consultation if it feels its territorial integrity or security has been threatened.

Late on Monday, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said Ankara "has made necessary applications regarding Article 4 and Article 5." Article 5 states that an attack against one NATO member shall be considered an attack against all members.

Arinc also said for the first time that Syrian forces opened ground fire on a CASA search and rescue plane shortly after the downing, but did not say if that plane was hit.

An alliance diplomat said ambassadors will discuss Turkey's concerns ? and would likely condemn the downing.

"But there won't be anything more specific than that," said the diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of standing rules.

Turkey has been one of the fiercest critics of Assad's crackdown. But until now, it has had no wish to inflame already-heightened tensions.

A Turkish government official said the government was trying to ratchet up diplomatic pressure on Syria, where activists say more than 14,000 people have been killed in the 15-month uprising. He said the country was still working out what steps to take ? though they would not include military intervention.

"We are not talking about war, but we will keep the pressure on Syria and give it no chance to catch its breath," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with government rules.

Mustafa Kibaroglu, a professor of international relations at Istanbul's Okan University, said that by calling Tuesday's emergency meeting, Turkey was trying to show Syria that it has the full support of NATO and the European Union.

But he dismissed the possibility the alliance would activate Article 5, despite Turkey's requests.

"Unless there is another ... act of provocation (from Syria), there will be no activation of Article 5," Kibaroglu said.

Syria has said it was unaware that the F-4 Phantom jet belonged to Turkey, and that it was protecting its air space against an unknown intruder. In the past, Israeli warplanes have penetrated Syrian airspace by flying over the Mediterranean coastline.

Syrian foreign ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi said the downing was an accident, caused by the "automatic response" of an officer commanding an anti-aircraft gun. The man saw a jet coming at him at high speed and low altitide and opened fire, Makdissi said.

Analysts said that, although the latest incident will likely be contained, the conflict in Syria is now threatening to draw in other nations.

"Syria's apology will probably quell the immediate outrage," said Barak Seener, a Middle East expert at the Royal United Services Institute, a British military think tank.

"But it's increasingly clear that as the conflict escalates there will be a spillover effect with regional consequences," he said. "While NATO will not get involved yet, this illustrates that international actors will increasingly be sucked into the conflict."

Still, there is a sense of war-weariness in NATO, an aversion to any more involvement in the Middle East after last year's conflict over Libya.

The alliance's primary focus remains the costly war in Afghanistan, where it still has about 130,000 troops, a decade after the ouster of the Taliban regime. Although NATO forces enjoy overwhelming superiority in numbers, firepower and mobility, the guerrillas are showing no sign of giving up.

NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has repeatedly said that the alliance would need a clear international mandate, and regional support, before it embarked on a mission in Syria.

Last year, NATO launched air attacks on Libyan government targets only after receiving a mandate from the U.N. Security Council, along with backing from the Arab League.

But in Syria's case, the Arab League hasn't been able to agree on the need for military intervention. Even Syria's different opposition groups are riven by divisions over whether outside military intervention would help or hurt. Some in the Syrian opposition argue that it would reduce their country to rubble, leaving them nothing on which to build a new future once Assad was gone.

And Russia and China ? both veto-wielding members of the Security Council ? have consistently shielded Assad's regime from international sanctions over its violent crackdown on protests. Russia also has continued to provide Syria with arms, despite Western calls for a halt in supplies.

Diplomats from Russia and China in the past have called on all sides to refrain from provocative actions that could escalate the conflict. This would likely include reconnaissance flights over the Syrian coastline.

Last week, President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the Syrian crisis on the sidelines of a Group of 20 economic conference in Mexico.

The meeting ended without apparent agreement on how to end the violence.


Fraser reported from Ankara, Turkey. Elizabeth Kennedy in Beirut, Lebanon, also contributed to this report.

Associated Press

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Magnet helps target transplanted iron-loaded cells to key areas of heart

Magnet helps target transplanted iron-loaded cells to key areas of heart [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Jun-2012
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Contact: David Eve
Cell Transplantation Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair

Putnam Valley, NY. (June 26 , 2012) Optimal stem cell therapy delivery to damaged areas of the heart after myocardial infarction has been hampered by inefficient homing of cells to the damaged site. However, using rat models, researchers in France have used a magnet to guide cells loaded with iron oxide nanoparticles to key sites, enhancing the myocardial retention of intravascularly delivered endothelial progenitor cells.

The study is published in a recent issue of Cell Transplantation (21:4), now freely available on-line at,

"Cell therapy is a promising approach to myocardial regeneration and neovascularization, but currently suffers from the inefficient homing of cells after intracavitary infusion," said Dr. Philippe Menasche of the INSERM U633 Laboratory of Surgical Research in Paris. "Our study was aimed at improving and controlling homing by loading human cord-blood-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) for transplant with iron oxide nanoparticles in order to better position and retain them in the hearts of myocardial-injured test rats by using a subcutaneously implanted magnet."

The researchers found that the cells were sufficiently magnetic to be able to be remotely manipulated by a magnet subsequent to implantation.

According to the researchers, an objective assessment of the technique to enhance the homing of circulating stem cells is the ability to track their fate in vivo. This was accomplished by visualization with MRI.

"We found a good correlation between MRI non-invasive follow-up of the injected cells and immunofluoresence or quantitative PCR data," said Dr. Menasche. The researchers concluded that further studies were needed to follow cell homing at later time points. They noted that the magnitude of homing they experienced may have been reduced by the relatively small number of cells used, owing to their large size and the subsequent risk of coronary thrombosis.

"In a rat model of myocardial infarction, this pilot study suggested homing of circulating stem cells can be improved by magnetic targeting and warrants additional benchwork to confirm the validity of concept," said Dr. Menasche. "There is also a need to optimize the parameters of targeting and assess the relevance of this approach in a clinically relevant large animal model."

"This study highlights the use of magnets to target transplanted cells to specific sites which could increase their regenerative impact. Factors to still be extensively tested include confirming the safety of the cells containing the magnetic particles and whether this process alters the cell's abilities" said Dr. Amit N. Patel, director of cardiovascular regenerative medicine at the University of Utah and section editor for Cell Transplantation.


Contact: Phillipe Menasche, INSERM U633, Laboratory of Surgical Research, Paris, France Email

Citation: Chaudeurge, A.; Wilhelm, C.; Chen-Tournoux, A.; Farahmand, P.; Bellamy, V.; Autret, G.; Mnager, C.; Hagge, A.; Larghro, J.; Gazeau, F.; Clment, O.; Menasch, P. Can Magnetic Targeting of Magnetically Labeled Circulating Cells Optimize Intramyocardial Cell Retention? Cell Transplant. 21 (4):679-691; 2012.

The Coeditor-in-chief's for CELL TRANSPLANTATION are at the Diabetes Research Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and Center for Neuropsychiatry, China Medical University Hospital, TaiChung, Taiwan. Contact Camillo Ricordi, MD at, Shinn-Zong Lin, MD, PhD at or David Eve, PhD at

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Magnet helps target transplanted iron-loaded cells to key areas of heart [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Jun-2012
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: David Eve
Cell Transplantation Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair

Putnam Valley, NY. (June 26 , 2012) Optimal stem cell therapy delivery to damaged areas of the heart after myocardial infarction has been hampered by inefficient homing of cells to the damaged site. However, using rat models, researchers in France have used a magnet to guide cells loaded with iron oxide nanoparticles to key sites, enhancing the myocardial retention of intravascularly delivered endothelial progenitor cells.

The study is published in a recent issue of Cell Transplantation (21:4), now freely available on-line at,

"Cell therapy is a promising approach to myocardial regeneration and neovascularization, but currently suffers from the inefficient homing of cells after intracavitary infusion," said Dr. Philippe Menasche of the INSERM U633 Laboratory of Surgical Research in Paris. "Our study was aimed at improving and controlling homing by loading human cord-blood-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) for transplant with iron oxide nanoparticles in order to better position and retain them in the hearts of myocardial-injured test rats by using a subcutaneously implanted magnet."

The researchers found that the cells were sufficiently magnetic to be able to be remotely manipulated by a magnet subsequent to implantation.

According to the researchers, an objective assessment of the technique to enhance the homing of circulating stem cells is the ability to track their fate in vivo. This was accomplished by visualization with MRI.

"We found a good correlation between MRI non-invasive follow-up of the injected cells and immunofluoresence or quantitative PCR data," said Dr. Menasche. The researchers concluded that further studies were needed to follow cell homing at later time points. They noted that the magnitude of homing they experienced may have been reduced by the relatively small number of cells used, owing to their large size and the subsequent risk of coronary thrombosis.

"In a rat model of myocardial infarction, this pilot study suggested homing of circulating stem cells can be improved by magnetic targeting and warrants additional benchwork to confirm the validity of concept," said Dr. Menasche. "There is also a need to optimize the parameters of targeting and assess the relevance of this approach in a clinically relevant large animal model."

"This study highlights the use of magnets to target transplanted cells to specific sites which could increase their regenerative impact. Factors to still be extensively tested include confirming the safety of the cells containing the magnetic particles and whether this process alters the cell's abilities" said Dr. Amit N. Patel, director of cardiovascular regenerative medicine at the University of Utah and section editor for Cell Transplantation.


Contact: Phillipe Menasche, INSERM U633, Laboratory of Surgical Research, Paris, France Email

Citation: Chaudeurge, A.; Wilhelm, C.; Chen-Tournoux, A.; Farahmand, P.; Bellamy, V.; Autret, G.; Mnager, C.; Hagge, A.; Larghro, J.; Gazeau, F.; Clment, O.; Menasch, P. Can Magnetic Targeting of Magnetically Labeled Circulating Cells Optimize Intramyocardial Cell Retention? Cell Transplant. 21 (4):679-691; 2012.

The Coeditor-in-chief's for CELL TRANSPLANTATION are at the Diabetes Research Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and Center for Neuropsychiatry, China Medical University Hospital, TaiChung, Taiwan. Contact Camillo Ricordi, MD at, Shinn-Zong Lin, MD, PhD at or David Eve, PhD at

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

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