Saturday, June 23, 2012

Character and possible subplot interest check

This is just an idea that has been floating around my head for a bit. If anyone plans on a futuristic/dystopian/military utopian themed roleplay, I think it could fit in as a subplot. I dunno if a full solid roleplay could come out of the idea.

This is also my first good idea for an antagonist/villain kinda type character, so cut me some slack. :b

For lack of a better name, right now I'm just gonna call her Mama and her abode is Mama's Mansion.

Basically, Mama's Mansion is the black market hub should you have needs that may otherwise be frowned down upon by the authorities. All transactions take place within the walls of a five-story mansion adorned with flickering neon lights flashing the aforementioned title of the place. Unlike mansions people live in, each level at Mama's is pretty much room-free except for level three (women and men of the night) and of course level five where Mama herself resides. Very few ever see that place. Any drug (including alcohol and tobacco should they be illegal) be it recreational or a rare medicine can be found in the basement which has its separate entrance. Mama considers the drug feinds riff raff really, but they are the most loyal clientele and she keeps them off the streets. Level one is weapons. Most handguns and rifles are traded near the entrances and windows. Any vendor that sets shop knows that security is top priority, and should the mansion face attacks, those on level one are to immediately arm themselves and gaurd the place. Potential weapons vendors must first prove their knowledge and skills about their wares before being considered. Level three was mentioned earlier. Level four is mostly for utility purposes. Meetings are held from time to time with the military and police. Deals had been made long ago that as long as the illegal activities remained within those walls, they would not be bothered. After all, men in uniform need a good time from time to time as well. In return and to ensure that competitors are snuffed out, Mama directs law enforcement to other operations she has discovered by spying on her mansion dwellers and by sending out undercover scouts from time to time.

Mama has an affinity for neon lights and they adorn the walls everywhere. When everything is running smoothly, the lights are of cheerful faces and cute characters blinking in shades of white and yellow. If Mama is unhappy with the activity, the lights change to shades of blue. The expressions on the faces become gloomy and sad. It's not until the lights turn red that someone is in trouble. Usually, there is a warning when fights break out. All of the lights turn off for a second. The neon faces flush pink and shake their heads disapprovingly. Cursive, yellow neons light up above the stairways stating "Don't Make Me Come Down There!" Most get the point. Very rarely do the lights turn red, the faces become scowls, and the lights above the stairs change into red, block lettering. The irony then is that it's too late. Mama's coming down and she is furious.

Mama herself is a fearsome sight despite her truly flawless beauty. Flawless is no compliment here. It's as if she is too beautiful to be human. She is nearing forty-five, but she looks as if she were in her early twenties. The slight rasp of age in her voice is the only thing that gives her away. Due to her very, very lucrative career, Mama has been able to afford some...minor adjustments. Her sleek hair is raven black and her eyes are an icy blue. She always wears black and plays her role by keeping a frilly apron around her waist. There are rumors that her body doesn't possess a single component she was born with. She appears eerily artificial so much that some don't believe her to be real, that it's a giant conspiracy by the military to keep the criminals in one place and she is the robot that ensures it runs smoothly. She never coments when someone asks her if her flesh is artificial. Doll-like would make for an inaccurate description because something like a doll invites warmth and welcomes the approach of others. She is merely a very clever piece of cold, hard stone trying so desperately to forget her mortality. The bottom line is her ultimate goal.

Mama keeps watch of everything that goes in inside her home. Every corner of the place is bugged with equipment that rivals the government and her security team never lets anything slip. She knows the name and at least a little history about everyone that walks through those doors.

Mama never goes over certain moral boundaries. Everyone in her establishment is there by choice. She does not deal in any form of slavery and anyone who walks through her doors must be old enough to serve in the military.

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