Saturday, August 4, 2012

Female Entrepreneurs See How To Grow Your Business With Solo ...

Female entrepreneurs tend to be great collaborators and what we have found is that collaborating with other female entrepreneurs has been a great way for us to grow our business.

We love collaborating with other top female entrepreneurs because it has helped us, grow our business, create some great relationships, build our list, learn a ton, and it?s been a lot of fun.
One of the easiest ways to start collaborating with other top female entrepreneurs and grow your business is to conduct solo interviews. Here are 5 tips that we learned that will help you grow your business with solo interviews.

1. Connect on social media. If you are interested in asking an expert to do an interview with you, connect with them on their social media pages and learn a little about them. Start to make a connection with them by retweeting their tweets and sharing and commenting on their posts.

2. Go for it. Asking an expert for a solo interview can be a little intimidating in the beginning. No worries we found lots of entrepreneurs love to do interviews because it?s great for their business too. Don?t be intimidated by how big the expert is you are asking; the bigger the better. Remember the only thing that they can say is ?no? or ?sorry I?m too busy right now.? Stay positive and trust me you will get a ?Yes.?

3. Send them a quick email. We created a swipe file that is always handy ?so that when we come across someone that we would love to interview we copy and paste the file and send them a quick email. Keep the email short and to the point asking the expert if they would be interested in doing a solo interview with you. Our swipe file is very to the point saying who we are and why we would like to interview them.

4. Ask the expert if they will promote the interview to their list, on a newsletter and on social media. This will help you grow your list because they will be advertising their interview on your blog; driving traffic to your website.

5. Do a blog post. Write a quick blog post about the interview, what you found interesting, and what information the reader will get out of the interview. Post it on your blog with the interview.

We have loved doing the solo interviews and connecting with other female entrepreneurs. We have found the solo interviews to be a great way to grow your business. Even if the experts says ?No? to the solo interview they will start to learn who you are and we have found that as we continued to connect with them, over time we have collaborated on other projects. The projects in turn is also a great way to grow your business.

What is your favorite way to collaborate with other top female entrepreneurs? Leave us a comment below and share your expertise we would love to hear about it. Please feel free to share this post, in fact we are happy to, ?share the love.?

To Your Life Without Limits,

Elena & Jean

P.S. We have lots more tips and strategies to help you grow your business and live a life without limits. Leave your name and email at the top of this page and we will send them to your inbox starting today.


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