Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Nelson Family: Bring on September!

I came out to go to a party, and I found the kids splashing like this.? I think Zack figured puddles = free babysitting while I was getting ready!? They sure had a blast.? It was so muggy my lens kept fogging up, but I got a couple of them in puddle heaven.

We had fun at Jeremi's birthday party!

Trying sushi for the first time...which everyone knows you must do cross-eyed.

"It's a little good, and a little bad."

Little pest pounds more food than her big siblings.

"You gotta problem wit dat?"

Chels was in heaven with her balloon.

She was whipping it around so fast.

And chasing it all over.

I'm so funny!

Nose smash!

That wispy hair is almost too much!

And of course we loved seeing our friends!

The birthday boy.

We had a fun girls night out to celebrate Lili's birthday!

BBQ at the Barbosas' house!

Chels adores Alex.

This pic is awful, but this was so ridiculous I want to remember.? I tried taking the kids to Zack's softball game on a school night.? Bad choice.? Cami started melting down big time, screaming and crying on the ground...and then Carson fell hard at the playground and came running up literally screaming at the top of his lungs and writhing around.? I thought he broke something!? (He didn't.)? I had him twirl his wrist around and realized he was okay, but he would not stop scream-crying like a crazy person.? I high-tailed it out of there laughing at the ridiculousness...Zack felt "bad" for me - but was all too happy to stay and finish his game, haha!? I don't blame him.? Carson screamed non-stop, "I broke a vein!!? I broke a vein!!" and "Take me to the doctor!!"? When we pulled up to our house, another round of crying started, "This isn't the doctor!!!!"? Ohhhh boy.? Tired kids all right.

Zack and Anthony took the big boys to a Card's game - here they are just chatting away!

This was my view driving home from running club one morning.? Running during sunrise is something I've come to just love.? We meet MWF at 5:45am and run 5 miles, and then I stay and run some more cause I'm just a running fool! :)? I've definitely been bitten by the bug.? We're doing a 10k next month - it'll be fun if it isn't too cold!? The last few mornings have been freezing.

Cheering section at Carson's first soccer practice/game of the season.

He got to play goalie.

As we walked back to the car, Carson saw this rock, and said kinda sadly to Cami, "A fifth grade class died here, Cami."? Oh my word, I couldn't stop laughing!? Had to grab a photo with my phone.

Another phone pic - my cuties at our playground.

Carson got off the bus with this drawn-on highlighter mustache.? I laughed at his creativity.? When he saw me laughing, he said, "Everyone on the bus said, 'Your mom is going to be sooo mad!' but I told them, 'No, she's going to laugh.'"? Maybe one of my sweetest mom moments?

Carson obliged and drew one on for Cami (aka Repeat) too.

And Chels was just fabulous as usual!

Some more typical Chels faces.? The raised eyebrows.

The look away.

The slow blink.? She is so funny and does this when she's being shy.

Okay, that was a good start!? Who's ready for some more??

Source: http://phillynelsons.blogspot.com/2012/09/bring-on-september.html

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