Wednesday, October 31, 2012

STORY REMOVED: BC-AF--Rwanda-Political Trial


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Foreign cancer treatments offering victims false hope? - TODAY'S ...

Special Assignment

CREATED Oct. 30, 2012 - UPDATED: Oct. 30, 2012

A Wisconsin family well known in the sports arena after their son wins a gold medal in speedskating is now making a name for themselves in a new arena, one that deals with life and death.

The Fitzrandolph family knows what it's like to take on a challenge. Their son's gold medal pursuit meant a lot of sacrifices for many years. The family's new challenge? Standing behind their daughter's alternative path to healing her cancer. Casey Fitzrandolph won speedskating gold at the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics. His biggest supporters? His family. But these days the Fitzrandolphs are facing a bigger challenge.

"When I felt it, it wasn't small by any means," says Casey's sister Jessi.

She found the lump in her breast when she was 33-years-old. It was cancer. Doctors also found it in her bones.

"First I did a mastectomy on my left breast," Jessi remembers.

Then Jessi underwent chemo. However, there were complications and at stage 4, her diagnosis was not good.

"When they said you have a 50 percent chance of living 5 more years that's kind of like 'well, I don't agree with that,'" Jessi says.

Her parents, Ruthie and Jeff, didn't agree either.

"It's not good enough. There's got to be something else out there. We're going to find a way to keep this girl alive," they explain.

They turned to alternative medicine. The idea behind the approach is to heal the body so it can help fight off the disease and give patients quality of life.

"They're non toxic. They're not harmful to the body and they also reduce pain," says Jeff Fitzrandolph.

Jessi follows a number of different alternative protocols. She has a magnetic pulser that helps with the pain. An elecromedicine device emits a continuous air wave like a small radio tower. It reportedly turns cancer cells back into normal cells. However, the big push in alternative medicine is rebuilding the immune system.

"Everything before just destroyed the immune system," Jessi explains.

Jessi takes daily supplements and follows a strict diet.

"All the veggies and fruit is organic," she says.

She even drinks special water from a spring up near Rock Springs, Wisconsin.

The Fitzrandolph's have also left the country for care. They have traveled to Germany and now to a small, private hospital, International Bio Care, in Mexico. Both hospitals offer hypothermia treatments.

"When the body temperature is that high the chemo is supposed to go directly to the cancer cells," says Jessi.

And treating cancer with heat is slowly catching on in the U.S. including at Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin.

"What we've found is the heat actually improves blood supply and helps us get better concentration of chemotherapy to the areas," says Dr. Kiran Turaga with Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin.

As for clinics in other countries, Dr. Turaga warns patients some are just offering false hope.

"It's something we are very skeptical of because there is no data, there's no way they're able to support what they're doing."

For now, Jessi is staying on the alternative path with the belief it saves lives.

"I don't have a lot of new pain going on so that to me is a good sign," Jessi says.

Positive thinking is part of the cure but it has still been a frightening journey. Jessi is now 35 and she says if all else fails she will go back to conventional treatment. The Fitzrandolph family is writing a book about the alternative approach to healing cancer. It will most likely be out by Winter 2014.


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How To Write An Ebook To Market With

How To Write An Ebook To Market With

Click around on the Net, and you?ll see businesses giving away ebooks left, right and center.

You might see a hair salon with an ebook on matching your makeup to your hair color. Or a yoga studio with an ebook on ergonomic postures for the workplace.

It?s not that these businesses are passionate about sharing their messages with the world. Rather, the ebooks are a marketing utensil.

Why An Ebook?

A well-written ebook demonstrates that the company it?s from is run by experts in their field. They know all the nitty-gritty details, so customers can trust that they?re dealing with a reputable, knowledgeable business.

Generally, these ebooks are given away for free. This sparks appreciation from recipients, who may feel compelled to make a purchase in return (due to the rule of reciprocity).

Finally, the content of the ebook usually suggests ways readers can use the company?s products or services. If a soapmaking supplies vendor writes about how to tint soap red with sandalwood powder, it stands to reason they?ll include a link to their powdered sandalwood.

What Should I Write About?

Notice that none of the reasons are ?the companies happen to employ budding authors.? That?s because the point isn?t to write beautifully; it?s to share helpful information you?re an expert on.

So that is exactly what you?ll write about. If you?re a fitness trainer who?s worked with a lot of older clients with back problems, you could write about safe exercises for injured backs or sleeping tips for back relief. You could even include sketched diagrams.

If you?re a baker with an online shop that specializes in gluten-free pastries, write up your top 3 gluten-free recipes, complete with tips for storing, freezing and serving.

And so on. Determine your expertise, then ask yourself what questions people may have on the topic. Write out your answers in your ebook.

How Do I Create The Ebook?

An ebook can be written in any word processing program (such as Microsoft Word or Open Office) as long as you can export your finished work as a PDF. This preserves your file so recipients can?t edit it.

In any of these programs, you can add pictures throughout to illustrate your points, display charts or graphs or provide points of visual interest.

If you want to incorporate special effects, such as flipping pages or an embedded video, you can choose the right ebook software for your needs from this list.

And How Do I Publish It?

Once it?s a PDF, the easiest way to get your ebook onto the Internet is to host it on your site. Then, share the ebook by sharing the link to where it lives on your site.

If you?re using WordPress, add the ebook as a new piece of media. This works for files up to 10 MB.

If your ebook is larger than 10 MB, the easiest solution is to upload it to Dropbox and share the link provided.

Now, How Do I Market With It?

Once the ebook is finished, you can use it to drum up sales. In an upcoming post, we?ll walk you through the steps you?ll want to take.

To see it, make sure you?re signed up to get emails from our blog ? the form?s below!

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Putting a Face on Welfare Spat (WSJ)

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Researchers engineer cartilage from pluripotent stem cells

ScienceDaily (Oct. 29, 2012) ? A team of Duke Medicine researchers has engineered cartilage from induced pluripotent stem cells that were successfully grown and sorted for use in tissue repair and studies into cartilage injury and osteoarthritis. The finding is reported online Oct. 29, 2012, in the journal the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and suggests that induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPSCs, may be a viable source of patient-specific articular cartilage tissue.

"This technique of creating induced pluripotent stem cells -- an achievement honored with this year's Nobel Prize in medicine for Shimya Yamanaka of Kyoto University -- is a way to take adult stem cells and convert them so they have the properties of embryonic stem cells," said Farshid Guilak, PhD, Laszlo Ormandy Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Duke and senior author of the study.

"Adult stems cells are limited in what they can do, and embryonic stem cells have ethical issues," Guilak said. "What this research shows in a mouse model is the ability to create an unlimited supply of stem cells that can turn into any type of tissue -- in this case cartilage, which has no ability to regenerate by itself."

Articular cartilage is the shock absorber tissue in joints that makes it possible to walk, climb stairs, jump and perform daily activities without pain. But ordinary wear-and-tear or an injury can diminish its effectiveness and progress to osteoarthritis. Because articular cartilage has a poor capacity for repair, damage and osteoarthritis are leading causes of impairment in older people and often requires joint replacement.

In their study, the Duke researchers, led by Brian O. Diekman, PhD, a post-doctoral associate in orthopaedic surgery, aimed to apply recent technologies that have made iPSCs a promising alternative to other tissue engineering techniques, which use adult stem cells derived from the bone marrow or fat tissue.

One challenge the researchers sought to overcome was developing a uniformly differentiated population of chondrocytes, cells that produce collagen and maintain cartilage, while culling other types of cells that the powerful iPSCs could form.

To achieve that, the researchers induced chondrocyte differentiation in iPSCs derived from adult mouse fibroblasts by treating cultures with a growth medium. They also tailored the cells to express green fluorescent protein only when the cells successfully became chondrocytes. As the iPSCs differentiated, the chondrocyte cells that glowed with the green fluorescent protein were easily identified and sorted from the undesired cells.

The tailored cells also produced greater amounts of cartilage components, including collagen, and showed the characteristic stiffness of native cartilage, suggesting they would work well repairing cartilage defects in the body.

"This was a multi-step approach, with the initial differentiation, then sorting, and then proceeding to make the tissue," Diekman said. "What this shows is that iPSCs can be used to make high quality cartilage, either for replacement tissue or as a way to study disease and potential treatments."

Diekman and Guilak said the next phase of the research will be to use human iPSCs to test the cartilage-growing technique.

"The advantage of this technique is that we can grow a continuous supply of cartilage in a dish," Guilak said. "In addition to cell-based therapies, iPSC technology can also provide patient-specific cell and tissue models that could be used to screen for drugs to treat osteoarthritis, which right now does not have a cure or an effective therapy to inhibit cartilage loss."

In addition to Guilak and Diekman, study authors include Nicolas Christoforou; Vincent P. Willard; Alex Sun; Johannah Sanchez-Adams; and Kam W. Leong.

The National Institutes of Health (AR50245, AR48852, AG15768, AR48182, Training Grant T32AI007217) and the Arthritis Foundation funded the study.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Duke University Medical Center.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Apple executive shakeup: Scott Forstall and John Browett are leaving the company

Apple executive shakeup Scott Forstall and John Browett are leaving the company

Huge news out of Apple today, as the company's senior vice president of iOS software, Scott Forstall, will leave the company next year. Furthermore, John Browett -- head of Apple retail -- is also on his way out. The memo was delivered late today, on a day that is littered with other news that the company may hope will bury the bulk of it. It's practically a given that Forstall is taking the brunt of the impact from its decision to forge ahead with an obviously subpar Maps application, all while trumpeting it as one of the pillars of iOS 6.

As the shakeup unfolds, Jony Ive, Bob Mansfield, Eddy Cue and Craig Federighi will add more responsibilities to their roles. In other words, Tim Cook isn't about to usher in new help who may thwart the company's efforts to continue at its breakneck pace. Curiously, Mansfield will be heaping more on his own plate just months after he had originally planned to retire. As for Ive? He'll be responsible for providing "leadership and direction for Human Interface (HI) across the company in addition to his role as the leader of Industrial Design." Eddy Cue will be gifted burdened with Siri and Maps, while also keeping an eye on the iTunes Store, the App Store, the iBookstore and iCloud. Needless to say, he probably won't be seeing too many walls outside of Cupertino for the foreseeable future. Federighi is being tasked to lead by iOS and OS X, while Mansfield chairs a new Technologies group that bundles Apple's wireless teams across the company.

Just months after Browett was brought in from Dixons in order to lead up Apple's retail efforts, he's on the outs as well. Of course, he's also responsible for the branch having to tell stores that it "messed up" when he fiddled with staffing levels back in August. A search for a new head of Retail is underway and in the interim, the Retail team will report directly to Tim Cook.

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Apple executive shakeup: Scott Forstall and John Browett are leaving the company originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 29 Oct 2012 17:10:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday, October 29, 2012

France eyes 'Google Tax' for French websites

Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt, second from right, arrives at the Elysee Palace for a meeting with French President Francois Hollande, in Paris, Monday Oct. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Remy de la Mauviniere)

Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt, second from right, arrives at the Elysee Palace for a meeting with French President Francois Hollande, in Paris, Monday Oct. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Remy de la Mauviniere)

Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt, right, arrives at the Elysee Palace for a meeting with French President Francois Hollande, in Paris, Monday Oct. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Remy de la Mauviniere)

(AP) ? French President Francois Hollande is considering a pushing for a new tax that would see search engines such as Google have to pay each time they use content from French media.

Hollande discussed the topic with Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google, during a meeting in Paris on Monday.

Hollande says the rapid expansion of the digital economy means that tax laws need to be updated to reward French media content.

Google has opposed the plan and threatened to bar French websites from its search results if the tax is imposed.

Germany is considering a similar law, and Italian editors have also indicated they would favor such a plan.

Associated Press


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Microsoft Releases Windows 8 Companion App For Syncing Media With Windows Phone 8 Devices Ahead Of Big WP8 Reveal

Screen Shot 2012-10-29 at 09.05.46Microsoft's Windows Phone 8 event takes place later today -- where we expect to find out exactly how the integration between WP8, Microsoft's new mobile OS, and its new desktop OS Windows 8 will work. In the meanwhile, the Verge has spotted a companion app that's surfaced on the Windows Store which will allow WP8 users to sync content with a Windows 8 PC.


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Israel believes sanctions on Iran hit Hezbollah


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Need Help With Internet Promotion? Try These Tips! | Internet ...

Everyone knows that Website marketing is very hard work. This hard work however, should be geared towards making your business more effective and profitable. You don?t want to invest time and money into an unsuccessful endeavor. Make sure you have a focus in the right area and that is towards being profitable. You get there by incorporating the tips below.

Even small, internet based businesses can benefit from a slogan and a good logo. This is a way to help your customers recognize your brand. A catchy catch-phrase will help your customers to remember you and come back for repeat business. When consumers go looking for a product to fill a need, their ability to remember your slogan could be what gets you the sale.

Producing online videos that include tags can help your online marketing campaign succeed. Always incorporate a link to your site so that you do not lose your client. This will tremendously affect the amount of users that you get to visit your site on a regular basis.

Make sure your customers know they can opt out of receiving email from you at any time. It will be a breath of fresh air in a world filled with spam and unsolicited advice. Let them know they have the option to participate and they will think more of you and your company.

Email is a great marketing tool. Put together compelling newsletter that will engage your customers while providing them with useful information. You want the subscriber to feel like you are providing valuable information to them via email, not spam. Newsletters are a great way to stay in touch with your customers. It also lets them know that you care about them an would like repeat business rather than just treating them like a dollar sign.

Offer Free Shipping

Offering incentives and discounts can encourage your customers to order from you again. You could offer free shipping or even gift wrapping services. You may want to offer free shipping to the first hundred people purchasing a new product. This is just one of the many great ways you can find to entice visitors into becoming customers.

For help with marketing on the Internet, you might want to create some sort of customer management database. Keep track of purchase of past and current customers is easy with the CMR database. Another benefit is that you will see what extras your current customers might need, which you can then market directly to them.

Email marketing services are available to help with Affiliate marketing, but it is best if you learn the proper methods yourself. Once you know what to do, you can use mass mailers, build lists and utilize auto-responders for marketing purposes. This knowledge will prove invaluable down the line.

Great content is the basis of a strong, effective Affiliate marketing strategy. Make sure you review your content often to ensure it is presenting the right message to your customers. Have others read over your content. A fresh pair of eyes can provide you with a new perspective. Finally, run all of your content through spelling and grammar checkers to make sure that no errors remain.

To build a good website, be as content-focused and as comprehensive as you can. Your customers should be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Do not repeat yourself, fresh content is the key.

There are free evaluators for your marketing strategy online if you cannot afford a marketing consultant. On the internet there is a wide variety of mediums to choose from to help you learn about internet marketing.

For increasing user satisfaction with your business online, try making a FAQ page for your site. You can make your customers feel more comfortable and increase sales by answering their questions right away. The more comfortable and well-informed your website visitors feel, the more likely they are to do business with you.

Advertising is a key component of Website marketing. Even though the initial outlay may seem high, it will pay off in increased site traffic. It will expose your brand to customers that would otherwise not see it.

If you are able to establish an emotional attachment between customers and your service or product, this may lead to more sales and loyalty from your clients. Help the reader visualize how utilizing your product will make life better or easier for him or her. The customer should be able to imagine the benefits just by reading about the product.

Focus on building a quality site before you worry about marketing it and obtaining a ranking. This is the first thing a online business owner should know. The better your site looks and operates, the less work you will have to do going forward.

Even though you might not realize it yet, you possess all that is needed to be successful in website marketing. You don?t need elaborate software or a wild, far-fetched scheme, you only need yourself. Dedicate yourself to learning the ins and outs of the internet marketing world, and you will be on your way to advertising success before you know it.

Online Marketing

The article above shows you how important it is to give your online marketing all of you effort. These tips will point you down the proper path to making money with your online marketing. By using this advice, your hard work will be worth it.

In the eyes of your customer, their experience of your business website is akin to visiting a retail showroom. Frequently test graphics, links, and checkout systems for any issues that may inconvenience customers. If the link to your latest product doesn?t work, no one is going to be able to buy what you?re selling.

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Bright Career In Billing Jobs Is The Result Of Extensive Training In ...

In going to be the innovative past, health care industry has witnessed an all in one misshapen development A a period of time came for those times when there was recession all over the IT industry that made each of them is going to be the professionals and industrialists are captured in a multi function great incidents but take heart medical industry decided not to pass through much in the way and gave deliberate chance to learn more about candidates to look for stable jobs in the same line of business This relative notion had aimed it is certainly plausible for more information about to set up their successful career as part of your medical billing and coding jobs.

Following the present beat in your outsourcing industry, there is always an increased inclination towards medical billing training unique codes locally and globally. The prominent demand concerning doctors for more information regarding handle a good deal more and significantly more patients by stipulated time has increased the appointment relating to medical billers and coders to learn more about handle the all the way for more information about date records concerning going to be the patients,and for this, they if you?d like all time assistance from there are occasions medical billing professionals to understand more about support medical products and services function in powerful and effective way.

The medical billers form an integral part about going to be the industry, ready for additional details on cater to the hospital, clinics and various other medical institutes to understand more about maintain patient?s records and plan of action insurance claims. To handle the a majority orders related to learn more about medical facilities,lot of health institutions outsource the medical billing and coding tasks. The professionals which of you handle this task are primarily responsible to educate yourself regarding assign special codes to explore a lot of unique services and products allocated for more information on patients and getting a refund as well as for the same both to and from insurance companies. The responsibility concerning a medical biller is always that for more information about have the desired effect using codes to learn more about update the patient and organization database along so that you have insurance claims made towards each patient status.

Why it tends to be that an all in one talented suitable career among medical aspirants?

There are several of the factors responsible for massive walk enchanting stipulated pastime and a noble Many aspirants a little as though this if you want linked for additional details on flexibility element offers too its higher education Few professionals have the desired effect from a new house to explore strike balanced chord forwards and backwards going to be the personal and professional commitments. This virtually any to do with pastime and a noble is usually that suitable and for a person a multi functional elderly person,going to college at least mothers,who draw attention away from themselves fast moving and earn extra bugs

The constant demand concerning pro professionals as well as for the health care industry has targeted going to be the increased numbers regarding medical billers and programmers to explore get rid of the the too much of the burden ly back and forth from the doctor shoulders. Also,new opportunities are created as well as for people which of you are willing to do very well in your their career as part of your medical industry,to have sheer dedication and perseverance. The most well known places during which time some of these professionals can get appointed are private nursing homes, clinics, hospitals and insurance companies.

Basic understanding required for more information regarding follow Medical Billing and Coding Profession -

To consider getting going to be the sought ? after training, there are some of the universities and universities flourishing that offer in size variety having to do with modes and so many more for going to be the relative area Apart both to and from this, there are distance learning codes ready to learn more about offer the deliberated education and learning or experience along with coding jobs throughout the health care industry. The basic requirement and then for medical billing training program is this one are going to want be the case if that?s so familiar with computer repair and internet usage,the name implies appropriate communication knowledge,in line with the at mathematical calculations and punctual a good amount of for more information about help with going to be the assigned work on a period of time.


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Rebrand Internet Marketing With Innovation! | Marijuana for MRSA

Make videos of these interviews and present them on YouTube. Include your chosen keywords liberally throughout your profile whenever you can so that others searching for those keywords can find you. One of the best ways to promote your business is by internet marketing. So, you have a wide variety of websites to leverage for your social media marketing. Seek product or service engagement rather than product placement.

Are your tweets worth following? Without having doubt this helps all varieties of organizations even with fewer budgets to reach to enormous number of peoples. A company website is the first step in social media marketing. It is also important to note that even with Facebook and Twitter, you can reach your niche by branding. Success in social media marketing campaigns means putting to use the many options available, which requires learning about what they are before deciding which options to use.

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How the 2014 elections tip prospects for a 'grand bargain' on US deficits

Whoever wins the White House ? President Obama or Mitt Romney ? will need help from the other side of the aisle in the Senate to reach a deal on meaningful debt- and deficit-reduction. But key senators up for reelection in 2014 face wrenching tradeoffs.

By David Grant,?Staff writer / October 27, 2012

The US Capitol building in Washington. Key senators up for reelection in 2014 face wrenching tradeoffs regarding any debt-reduction "grand bargain."

Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP


If President Obama wins a second term, a top White House aim is to work with Congress to strike a ?grand bargain,? a massive debt-reduction deal that would shore up the government's finances for the next decade or more.

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Members of Mitt Romney's presidential transition team, too, recently said a grand bargain would be a goal of their man's first term in office.?

But any deal Mr. Obama or Mr. Romney strikes ? if either can get one at all ? may be shaped in important ways by ... you guessed it, lawmakers looking ahead to Election 2014.?At least a dozen senators facing reelection that year may well size up their options this way: vote for legislation that contains some politically explosive provisions and face fury from certain constituents, or risk the nation?s credit rating and continued economic malaise by punting pressing fiscal issues down the road once more.

At the center of any deal would be nine Democratic senators from red and purple states, and five Republicans in conservative states who might see a primary challenge if the debt-reduction package includes tax hikes.

How this group acts will do much to shape what either president can achieve. If Romney wins the White House, and even if Republicans also manage to seize control of the Senate, he would still have to attract enough Democratic senators to get the vote total for a GOP-shaped grand bargain to 60. The same holds for Obama, assuming a Republican-led House and a slim Democratic majority in the Senate.?

Republicans face antitax backlash

Many independent economists and budget analysts insist that the US needs to reduce debt by $4 trillion over the next decade to stabilize its financial situation for the long term. Getting to that number would almost certainly require both parties to surrender cherished ground. For Republicans, that boils down to one word: taxes.

If Obama is president, he has vowed to veto any extension of the Bush-era tax rates for annual household incomes over $250,000. If he prevails, those higher taxes on the wealthy would boost government revenue by almost $1 trillion over 10 years. That $1 trillion number fits snugly into the formula, offered by several bipartisan panels, of roughly $3 in spending cuts for every $1 in higher tax revenues as the way to reach $4 trillion in debt reduction.
If that $1 trillion in new taxes is part of any eventual deal, there are five GOP senators up for reelection in 2014 who potentially could vote for it. Two ? Sens. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia and Mike Johanns of Nebraska ? are members of the ?Gang of Eight,? a bipartisan group of senators looking to flesh out a grand bargain-esque agreement in backchannel talks. Three others ? Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine ? have supported bipartisan deals in the past.

But what's the risk that the GOP's base of antitax adherents would revolt, perhaps targeting those incumbent senators for primary challenges? Pretty good.


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Gas prices boosted by weather forecast, LNG tanker bypass

LONDON (Reuters) - British prompt gas prices rose on Friday morning, snapping three straight days of losses, as cooler weather forecast for next week lifted demand expectations and a liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanker headed to North America instead of the UK.

Gas for immediate delivery rose 1.75 pence to 67.25 pence a therm at 0845 GMT due to a combination of factors including a tight supply-demand balance, lower temperatures from Sunday and the expected start of maintenance at Apache's North Sea Beryl Alpha platform in the current trading session.

Work at Beryl Alpha will shave 1.5 million cubic meters/day (mcm/day) of supplies from the UK's transmission system.

A forecast drop in temperatures from Sunday to 13 degrees Celsius extending into next week led traders to raise gas demand estimates by 20 mcm/day on the back of greater gas-fired heating demand.

Britain has received no LNG deliveries since October 1, and no tankers are currently expected at UK terminals, partly due to recent maintenance at two of the world's biggest liquefaction plants in Qatar, according to port data.

The Qatari vessel Al Mafyar, which has a track record of unloading at the UK's South Hook terminal, disappointed expectations of a delivery by signalling North America as its intended destination.

Analysts and traders expect higher numbers of LNG tanker deliveries in November after Qatargas said it had restarted production lines 4 and 5 after planned works.

Norway, Britain's other major gas supplier, on Friday warned that major maintenance programmes would hit output in the last three months of the year, potentially disrupting flows to the UK.

However, it said repairs would be split equally between Norway and its international operations, meaning supply losses to the UK may be less than expected.

Britain's gas market was undersupplied by about 4 mcm/day, with demand pegged at 246.9 mcm/day.

Month-ahead gas prices rose 1.2 pence to 67.30 pence.

Further forward, the benchmark summer 2013 gas price rose about 0.20 pence to 62.15 pence.

In Britain's power market prices for day-ahead delivery climbed 6.25 pounds to 56.75 pounds per megawatt-hour (MWh) as gas market sentiment fed through to power.

A total of 2,870 MW of nuclear capacity was offline Friday morning due to outages at Magnox's Wylfa 1 unit, EDF Energy's Hinkley Point B-7, Dungeness B21 and its Heysham 1-1 and 1-2 reactors.

(editing by Jane Baird)


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Shark falls from sky onto Calif. golf course

SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, Calif. (AP) ? Nobody yelled "Fore!" at a Southern California golf course when a 2-foot-long shark dropped out of the sky and flopped around on the 12th tee.

The 2-pound leopard shark was apparently plucked from the ocean by a bird then dropped on San Juan Hills Golf Club, Melissa McCormack, director of club operations, said Thursday.

No one was teeing up when the shark fell Monday afternoon, although some golfers had just left the area, she said.

A course marshal, who makes sure players maintain an appropriate pace, saw something moving around on the tee and went to investigate. He found the shark bleeding with puncture wounds, where it seems the bird had held it in its grasp.

The marshal put the shark in his golf cart and drove it back to the clubhouse.

"He went above and beyond," McCormack said.

The marshal, McCormack and employee Bryan Stizer wanted to help the small shark, so they stuck it in a bucket of water. Then somebody remembered it wasn't a fresh water animal, so they stirred up some "homemade sea water" using sea salt from the kitchen, she said.

"We knew we had to get it to the ocean as fast as possible," McCormack said.

She grabbed a photo of the shark before Stizer headed to the sea.

"When Brian put it in the water, it didn't move," she said, "but then it flipped and took off."

It's the first time anyone could remember a shark falling from the sky at the golf course.

"We have your typical coyotes, skunks and the occasional mountain lion, but nothing like a shark," McCormack said.


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UK Olympians appeal for help with stolen medals

(AP) ? Two British Olympians appealed Thursday for help in recovering a pair of bronze medals that were snatched from a London nightclub, while police reported an arrest in the case.

Rower Alex Partridge and field hockey star Hannah Macleod issued public appeals for the return of the medals, which they earned during the 2012 London Olympics. The thefts reportedly occurred at the Mahiki nightclub, where the athletes went following a reception at Buckingham Palace hosted by Queen Elizabeth II in honor of Britain's Olympic team.

"I'm absolutely gutted that my Olympic bronze medal has been stolen," Macleod said in a statement. "Winning it in August was an incredible highlight for me, and for this to have happened is simply shattering."

Macleod was a member of the women's team that defeated New Zealand, 3-1.

"While it means everything to me, it has no value to anyone else, and I just hope that whoever took it can hand it in or leave it somewhere that means I can get it back," she said.

Partridge, a member of the men's eight rowing team, said his team blazer was also taken.

Police investigating the alleged theft of the medals said a 29-year-old man had been arrested and was being questioned at a west London police station.

Associated Press


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New York Times releases Windows 8 app for all the news that's fit to tile


The newspaper of record announced today that it will be arriving on Windows 8 tomorrow, offering up full articles, videos, photos and blogs to subscribers. Non-subscribers, on the other hand, will just get access to the Top News section. Also new in the world of New York Times / Microsoft teamups is the arrival of a NYT channel in the Bing News app. More info on both after the break.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

PST: Schalke tries to take momentum into Arsenal

When Group B was drawn, it looked like a relatively easy quartet for Arsenal. That may have changed this weekend. Schalke raised eyebrows with a win at Borussia Dortmund, and while there?s a big difference between getting three points from a place you?re used to visiting and winning on the road in Europe, the result gives reason to hope Arsenal, holding a two-point lead atop Group B, don?t pull away. There?s another team in the group capable of knocking off one of Europe?s best. If Huub Stevens can keep his team at the level we saw on Saturday, there may be some drama in Group B.

There?s a chance for one other team to get involved in this race. With Arsenal and Schalke fighting it out over the next two rounds, one of Montpellier or Olympiacos can challenge for second, provided the teams don?t split points over their home-and-home.

Arsenal (England) vs. Schalke (Germany)

Emirates Stadium, London, 2:45 p.m. Eastern

The two favorites to advance out of Group B are moving in different directions as they meet in London. Arsenal is coming off an upset loss at floundering Norwich City, while Schalke took an impressive three points from their derby against defending Bundesliga champions Borussia Dortmund. If Arsenal are going to drop points at home in group play, Schalke?s in position to claim them.

Regardless of the result, this is likely to be one of the more entertaining games of the week. While most teams visiting the Emirates would play conservatively in deference to Arsenal?s talent, Schalke?s unlikely to do so. This weekend in Dortmund they played as they normally would despite entering the match as an underdog. While it?s possible Huub Stevens will see Arsenal as a step above Dortmund, he?s more likely to play to the strengths of a team that?s scored at least two goals in each of their last six games. Expect to see Schalke?s potent counter-attack, but expect them to live-and-die with it.

Klaas-Jan Huntelaar, last year?s top scorer in the Bundesliga, will garner the most attention, but Jefferson Farfan possesses enough pace to trouble Andre Santos. Ibrahim Afellay is settling into his attacking midfield role, while Lewis Holtby has already contributed three goals from slightly deeper in the middle. With 19-year-old Julian Draxler due back for the match, Schalke has a number of weapons that could trouble Arsenal.

With Laurent Koscielny due back for Arsenal, defense may not be a problem. Instead, and uncharacteristically, goals could be an issue. Despite the seamless integration of Santi Cazorla into their midfield, Arsenal has nobody that?s consistently scoring goals. Gervinho is their most prolific league scorer, but he only has three goals in eight league matches. While the Gunners? defense as allowed the fewest goals in the Premier League, seven clubs have outscored them.

Given Schalke?s defense is also much-improved, we may be in store for a low scoring game, even if the team?s styles lend themselves to more goals.

From Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger:

?We got over [Saturday's defeat at Norwich City FC]. I expect us to respond in a strong way, because this team is very ambitious and wants to do well.?

From Schalke head coach Huub Stevens:

? If we can play against 80,000 in Dortmund then I think we can play here as well.?

UEFA Preview

Montpellier (France) vs. Olympiacos (Greece)

La Mosson, Montpellier, 2:45 p.m. Eastern

Rene Girard seems to realize Montpellier?s place, conceding the Greek champions are probably favorites going into their Wednesday match. Even though MHSC is only five months removed from claiming Ligue 1, Girard?s is now a completely different team. After Saturday?s loss at Stade Rennes, the defending champions sit 16th in France.

Olympiacos?s domestic fortunes have gone in the other direction. Though they won the Greek Super League last year, they have come back even stronger this season. Through seven rounds, the club is perfect, having scored 18 goals while allowing only three.

The surge has been led by Rafik Djebbour. Last season, the 28-year-old attacker scored 12 goals in 21 appearances. This season, he?s already scored eight in six, including twice this weekend as Olympiacos extended their Super League winning streak to eight games.

That success hasn?t carried over into Europe. With no points through two rounds, Olympiacos sits last in Group B ahead of their match at La Mosson. With games against Schalke and Arsenal to close group play, the Greeks need to take advantage of Montpellier?s struggles if their European aspirations go beyond Europa League.

From Montpellier head coach Ren? Girard:

?I do not think we are favorites. When you look at the European pedigree of both teams it is clear that Olympiacos are.?

From Olympiacos head coach Leonardo Jardim:

?For us and for Montpellier, it is a huge game. We are pleased with our performances but we need a result, so tomorrow we want to get one.?

UEFA Preview


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Woods News ? Blog Archive ? Blessing ground for new sports center


By Jessica Pitts

Staff Writer

More than 50 guests celebrated the future site of a sports and recreation center at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Oct. 19, leaving small Pomeroy Pride flags ? white with Columbia blue ? as reminders.

President Dottie King, Marcia and Jerry Schmidt, Sue and Wayne Hamilton, Sr. Jeanne Knoerle, and Father Bernard LaMontagne bless the site of the future recreation center. (Photo credit: Jessica Pitts)

The activity was part of a ground blessing ceremony, led by SMWC President Dottie King, with a prayer and blessing given by Father Bernard LaMontagne, assistant professor of theology.

The ground blessing was an important part in beginning the process of building the sports and recreation center. The cost to construct the sports center is anticipated to be $11 million; the community has already raised approximately $6.5 million.

Duke Bennett, mayor of Terre Haute, participated in the celebration. ?There is nothing more important than God to bless this ground,? he said.

Other speakers included board of trustee members Sue and Wayne Hamilton and Marcia and Jerry Schmidt. Jeanne Knoerle, S.P., former SMWC president and co-chancellor of the College, also participated in the ceremony.

The sports and recreation center will be 36,000 square feet, with a regulation sized basketball court seating 1,000 people and a practice gym for intramural sports. It will provide up-to-date sports facilities within the community at SMWC.

One group especially looking forward to the center is the basketball team, which currently travels to a gym in Clinton for practices and home games.

Students will also appreciate the recreation center just as much. They will be able to have a competitive game of volleyball, run around the track, or participate in activities. The center will be on the west edge of campus, behind Rooney Library, next to the guest house.

Jessica Pitts, recreation center

About Jessica Pitts


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