Friday, October 12, 2012

Kev's Career Expo Experience ? Technical Writing

Career Expo


So this is my story?


I went to the Career Expo around 11:15 am, with the goal in mind of visiting as many booths as possible before my 2:15 pm class. I did not have a specific order planned, of which booth I would visit first, but I did have in mind the companies I wanted to visit and where were they located. ?And of course, I had my resume in hand; the one I worked on several times during the semester.


When I stepped in the ICI center I was really surprised by the amount of people wearing suits, which I found pretty interesting. [This not being the first career fair/expo I visit, I was expecting fewer guys in suits and more long sleeve and ties.] But this was not what surprised me the most, as through the couple of hours I spent there, I saw some things that caught my attention. Some of the awkward things I saw include the following:

  • A girl properly dressed but with a huge nose ring.
  • A resume printed in a paper with the USA Flag as background.
  • Guys wearing suits with running shoes.

And that?s just to mention a few?


Well, going back to my story, I visited four booths: Tesla Motors, Boeing, GE Aviation, and Rolls Royce.? Four booths in three hours, just because I didn?t expect the lines to be as long as they were. The sad part was not having to do a long line, but doing a long line and be told that you have to apply online. I honestly believe, that having to apply online totally defeats the purpose of going to the career expo. I?m sure everyone who went there can testify that recruiters are not there to promote their company, as they expect you to have a good background of what they do and be able to develop a good conversation.


In overall, even when there were a couple of things I didn?t like, I still believe it was a great experience. Career expos give students an opportunity to network with the business world and easily open doors to a better, more productive, professional future.


PS. I would suggest for Career Expos to be held on a Saturday, as I know of many students who were not able to go due to class conflicts.


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Aerospace Engineering Student @ Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University


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