Monday, October 22, 2012

What food is high protein and low fat? | Health and Fitness Tips ...

With the development of society, all aspects of our lives are also changing. For example, in the diet to eat healthy, eat nutritious. So what foods are nutritious? What food is high protein and low fat?

High protein is the level of food protein content, and low-fat is the proportion of triglycerides, cholesterol less food. Usually the two are linked together. Now to tell you about the high protein and low fat food.

1, The first category: meat (including pork, poultry, beef, etc.). Meat protein content between 10-20%, commonly known as lean meat is less fat content of meat, and the fat meat is the fat content of more meat, lean meat protein content more than fat meat. The fat content of the meat, and animal species, age, body parts, fattening situation had relations. Total of 20 kinds of amino acid building blocks of proteins, including eight (essential amino acids) is the human body can not synthesis, must rely on food intake contains eight kinds of amino acids; meat protein is a complete protein, can provide all kinds of amino acids needed by the body. When the meat protein is digested in the human body, the decomposition of the amino acids can be absorbed.

Tips: such as lean beef, each containing 100 grams of protein 20.1 g; sauce beef, each containing 100 grams of protein 32 grams, braised beef contains 25 grams of protein per 100 grams.

2, The second category: eggs. Egg by egg white and yolk. Egg white in nutrients protein, containing the essential amino acids needed by the human body, the body can be completely absorbed and used almost the whole egg protein, is the best quality protein food.

Tips: such as eggs, egg is one of mankind?s best source of nutrition. The eggs contain a lot of vitamins and minerals and proteins of high biological value. Best of the people, the quality of egg protein, second only to breast milk. According to analysis, the the hectogram eggs containing protein 12.8 g, containing 11 to 15 grams of fat. Eat eggs are also some precautions, such as avoid eating immature eggs, do not eat eggs and tea immediately.

3, The third category: fish. Fish food meat tender and delicious, nutrient-rich, easy to digest, and is a favorite food. Especially suitable for the elderly, young children and patients eat. Fish is low in fat content of 1 to 10%, and the protein content in the 15 to 20%, is a high-quality protein, the shorter fish muscle fiber, protein organization structure soft, moisture content of the meat is tender, easily digested and absorbed, digestibility 87 ? 98%.

Tips: pregnant women and the baby fish to be careful.

4, The fourth category: beans. Many varieties of beans, soybean, broad beans, green beans, peas, red bean. According to the type and quantity of beans nutrients they may be divided into two categories. Soybeans represented a class of high-protein, high-fat beans. Another beans while high in complex carbohydrates characterized, such as mung bean, red bean. Very high nutritional value of the beans, eat beans every day, the human body can reduce the fat content, increase immunity and reduce the risk of illness, beans contain high protein content, good quality, its nutritional value is close to the animals protein, is the best plant protein.

Tips: fat content of soy beans in about 16% to more than 35% are proteins, can be processed into tofu, dried tofu, tofu skin, like red beans, mung soup to drink, good taste can also the disease prevention.

5, The fifth category: cereals. Cereals mainly refers to the seeds of plants of the Gramineae. It consists of rice, wheat, corn and other grains, such as millet, black rice, buckwheat, oats, barley rice, sorghum, etc..

Tips: such as wheat rich in starch, protein, fat, minerals, calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin A. Protein content of 10% to 20%.

Accounted for 80% of rice protein containing lysine high alkali insoluble glutenin, lysine content higher than the other cereals, amino acid composition ratio is reasonable, the digestibility of the protein is more than 90%, the nutritional value is very high.

Per 100 grams of corn in the corn calories 106 kcal, 2.9 g of cellulose, 4.0 g protein, 1.2 g fat, 22.8 g carbohydrates, and the other containing the mineral elements and vitamins.

Per 100 grams of millet and millet 9.7 grams of protein, 1.7 g fat, 76.1 g carbohydrates, the millet gruel healthy food. Boiled available separately, can also add jujube, red bean, sweet potato, lotus, lily, millet gruel boiled flavor nutrition sedative effect.

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Tags: high protein and low fat food, high protein food, low fat food, nutritious food


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